i started my 30 day detox program on 8/18.
to call it a detox program is accurate but doesn't really reflect the purpose. it was not a weight loss program. i didn't mind losing a couple of popunds but didn't want to lose more then 3-4 at most. i drink on the weekends and only smoke marijuana a couple of times a year so i wasn't detoxing for that reaon.
basically, i've been having pain and inflammation in my joints for a long time now, probably since 1993. i attributed it to wear and tear from playing sports and working out constantly and probably not with the best form and with proper stretching. i quit working out in the gym in 2004 but the pain didn't subside very much. stretching more helped but didn't solve the problem.
ultimately, i figured that my diet was the problem but i just never took the necessary steps to confirm it. the detox program was designed to eliminate all possible foods that could cause my inflammation, see if that made a difference and then bring them back incrementally to try and pinpoint the problem.
that's what i did with almost 100% success. i was successful in eliminating all possible bad foods- grains/wheat/gluten, (added) sugar, nuts, tomatoes/eggplant/potatoes, dairy, foods with pesticides, fungicides, antibiotics and hormones.
what were the results? my inflammation and pain were almost 100% gone within a few days. i hadn't felt that good since prior to 1993. the diet kind of sucked but i got used to it and it was well worth it.
what caused the problem? this is where i didn't have 100% success. i was hoping for a one word answer- dairy or sugar or gluten. i started adding foods back every few days after about the 25th day. tomatoes were not a problem. nuts were not a problem. potatoes were not a problem. rice was a little bit of a problem but not much.
the issue is i probably brought the most suspicious culprits back to fast and the effects blended in. i think dairy is fine but may cause a little problem. i don't consume much dairy but i do prefer to use whey protein from grass fed cows in my morning shake and that may be a little bit of an issue (brown rice protein powder tastes like shit by the way).
the last two i brought back were sugar and gluten. i had a decent amount of sugar for about 3 days before the gluten. the inflammation didn't come back all the way but i could tell a difference. but how long does it take for the effects to manifest? at the end, i did bring back gluten. over the weekend, i had pancakes, bread, pasta and whatever else.
today, i feel as bad as i did before the program. gluten is definitely a major problem. it needs to be eliminated. sugar is probably a problem but may be ok in small doses. same with dairy.
anyway, the program was a success. diet can and did fix my problems and i'm pretty sure i know the causes. gluten for sure and sugar and dairy to a lesser extent need to be eliminated.
going forward, i will eliminate them as much as possible and only eat them on special occasions.
i recommend this to everyone. if anyone has any questions, let me know.