Online Status
You can now see if your fellow forum users have been recently online. If a user has been active (view, post or create thread) in the last 5 minutes, they will have a green indicator around their profile photo. This can be seen in threads or thread list.
Liking Posts
You can now like posts in each thread to support fellow users and outline helpful content.
Thread Participants
You can now see all the participants in each thread in the top right corner of the screen. If there are more than 5 participants on each thread, we will display the top 5 contributors and the total number of remaining contributors on the thread.
Improved Navigation
- We've redesigned our page navigation system to improve the overall experience.
Desktop: On the desktop view, you can directly enter the page number in or click on last page button ">>" to quickly browse the latest posts.
Mobile: On the mobile view, you can navigate the pages one by one. You will also have access to the last 3 and final 3 pages so that you can quickly navigate to the latest posts on a thread.
- We've added breadcrumbs to the bottom of each thread for ease of navigation.
Design Improvements
We have made some overall design improvements to our forum having user experience in mind and to fit more posts/threads on a single page for both mobile and desktop.
- Rearranging thread list and post structure.
- Move some of the post elements (such as post number and icons) around to reduce wasted space.
Post Links
Users are now able to post any links from Covers (and its subdomains) into the forum. e.g.
Whitelisted domains are:
We will whitelist more domains as we go along and we are certainly open to feedback.
Captcha (spam protection system) v 1.0 has been replaced with reCAPTCHA 3. This update removes the input required from the user (pattern matching) and instead will use a scoring system to determine the level of risk for each user. What does this mean for you? No more having to choose "storefronts" to make a post! This update should significantly help with spam reduction and improve the overall experience for posting on the Covers forum.
You will see the following message on protected pages.