You are now chatting with Dicky Curtis
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Dicky Curtis: Thank you for contacting Live Chat Service. How may I assist you today?
Dicky Curtis: Hello Van
van phan: Hi Curtis
Dicky Curtis: How can I assist you?
van phan: when can i expect my skrill pay out. I need the $$$ for bills this week
Dicky Curtis: Could you please provide me with your account number and password?
Your chat transcript will be sent to van????? at the end of your chat.
van phan: B??????? but don't know passwd. firefox remember my password
Dicky Curtis: You have requested your payout on 11/14/2012, it takes 24 hours to be reviewed and then 12-36 hours to be processed
van phan: can you do the math for me? when should i expect it?
van phan: 11/15/2012 that is 24hr.
van phan: Thursday, Friday, Monday = 72hr already.
Dicky Curtis: One moment please
van phan: sure
Dicky Curtis: Thank you.
Dicky Curtis: You can expect your payout be received by 11/28/2012
van phan: so what happen to 24hr review and 36hr to be process? How many hr in a day?
van phan: It take 336hr to get paid? It take less than 15 minutes at pinnacle.
Dicky Curtis: 4 hours per day, as the payouts are processed between Monday through Friday between 9am and 1pm
van phan: Haha, that is funny. Do you mind if I post this 'funny' 4hr a day in every sportbook forum?
Dicky Curtis: You can refer to
Dicky Curtis: Where you will find :
Dicky Curtis: 3.Payouts requests are processed Monday through Friday, between 9:00 a.m. ET to 1:00 p.m. ET, excluding holidays.
van phan: So you are not lying. So you don't mind if I post what is true right?
Dicky Curtis: Yes you can
van phan: ok cool. I be back 11/28/12. thank for your time.
Dicky Curtis: You're welcome!
Dicky Curtis: Is there anything else I can assist you with at this time?
van phan: nope.
Dicky Curtis: Please do not hesitate to contact me again personally, if I can be of further assistance. I will be more than happy to assist you.
I will update on 11/29/12 if I get my Skrill pay out. thank for reading.