I'm sure this question has crossed everybody's mind but what is YOUR answer to the question in the title? I'm curious because I sort of had/did have a midlife crisis due to my medical condition. Just a quick history of my health. Had an type A aortic dissection at the age of 34 due to excessive drinking, lack of exercise and poor diet. (I do NOT have Marfan Syndrome) Emergency heart surgery for that. A year later, had a mechanical aortic valve installed (heart surgery AGAIN ) which results in me being on blood thinners for the rest of my life. Fast forward a year, proceeded to have a stroke (due to a clot that was building up and dislodged from the mechanical valve)
. I internet searched "life expectancy after an aortic dissection" and the results show scholarly articles with longevity ranges from 5 years (the worse) to 20 years (the most optimistic). Obviously after these life events, I've changed my life style. I've been sober for 2 years (coming on 3 years in November), I exercise more (due to my job, requires me to walk everywhere) and I somewhat watch what I eat.
Scientifically and biologically speaking, the meaning of life is to pass on ones genes. NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. Not your wealth, influence, power, etc. Just your genes... Look at zebras, antelopes, the animals in Africa. As long as they successfully mated and have a viable offspring, they could careless what happens to them.
Now, philosophically speaking? Most people would argue that as long as you enjoy life, worship and live your life according to one's religion, that's all that matters.
Here is a possible explanation:
IT doesn't matter WHAT you do/accomplish. ENTROPY at the end of time, will erase EVERYTHING.
Short and sweet, entropy is defined as:
Going from a state of order to a state of disorder..
Examples of entropy in everyday life:
-ice cube (order) ? water (order) ? water vapor (disorder)
-A random building (order) erodes over time (disorder) due to wind, external factors.
All we are doing, is delaying the inevitable and that is that ultimately, entropy wins.
Got 30 minutes? Prepare to be amazed...
and I look forward to people's responses...