Responding to various new scientific reports questioning the concept of global warming, Assemblyman Michael Doherty today called on Governor Corzine to hold off on proposing any new regulations associated with the state’s Global Warming Response Act and urged the Legislature to repeal that act when it returns to legislative business after Labor Day.
“There are many credible members of the scientific community who have questioned the theory of global warming, and now we have some scientists actually suggesting the earth’s temperatures may be entering a period of dramatic cooling,” said Doherty, R-Warren and Hunterdon. “With this growing level of scientific uncertainty, it makes no sense to enact a new set of economically damaging regulations prompted by the global warming hysteria of recent years.”
The Global Warming Response Act was signed last year by Corzine, which requires the state to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 20 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050. The law required the state Department of Environmental Protection to release a report detailing how the state would meet the goals, with recommendations now expected to be issued this fall.
According to recent news reports, a top observatory that has been measuring sun spot activity predicts that global temperatures will drop by two degrees over the next 20 years as solar activity slows and the planet drastically cools down. They suggest this could potentially herald the onset of a new ice age. Following the end of the sun’s most active period in over 11,000 years, the last 10 years have displayed a clear cooling trend as temperatures post-1998 leveled out and are now decreasing.
Earlier this year, John Coleman, the founder of The Weather Channel, stated that manmade global warming is “the greatest scam in history,” adding, “I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a scam.” Coleman said the theory of global warming is based on fraudulent science.
“New Jersey’s tax and regulatory climate is already chasing jobs from this state left and right and these new regulations will make matters worse,” Doherty said. “Rather than conforming our policies to questionable scientific theories, we should be looking at the concrete economic indicators that show our state’s economy is in trouble. And we should be taking steps to help people who are losing jobs and being forced out of their homes by this state’s anti-economic growth agenda – not making matters worse.”
We need a Global Warming Response Act like we need windmills to produce electricity.
Here are the facts about supposed manmade global warming:
a) Ice core data consistently shows the CO2 increases come about 800 years AFTER the temperature increases.
b) The Citadel of CO2 measurement, Mauna Loa station, sits atop the world's largest active (CO2-belching) volcano.
c) CO2 levels have been higher than today on three other ocassions within the last 200 years.
d) The IPCC recognizes the CO2 findings of one scientist, George Callendar, to the exclusion of 90,000 other measurements taken by hundreds of other scientists over the last two centuries.
e) 95% of all CO2 is generated by nature; the other 5% from man.
f) 99.999% of all water vapor is generated by nature; 0.001% by man.
g) Water vapor by a factor of 26 has more of a Spectral Absorption or GW influence than does CO2.
h) After the contributions of CH4, N2O, and CFCs are considered the total gw effect from man is 0.28%; the other 99.72% is caused by nature!
i) In terms of watts per square meter, the global cooling effect from greenhouse gases is only about 1/20 of the global cooling effect from increased low level clouds, produced by increased condensation nuclei, produced by increased cosmic ray flux, created by modulation of the Earth's magnetosphere, caused by increased solar wind and coronal mass particle ejections, caused by change in the Sun's angular momentum, caused by planetary mechanics.
Ask solar physicists and they will tell you that we have entered a global cooling phase that will reach a maximum within another 20 years. Solar cycle is 8 months overdue. For every day the Sun remains blank of spots, the colder the seasons will become. Instead of worrying about global warming, I suggest everyone find out where to buy a pair of snow shoes. You will be needing them!
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