Just seen* some news and a video from Mexico where the Federales call in an attack helicopter armed with a rotary mini-gun to help wipe out the bad guy dope dealers....Wow...What is going on in the "war on drugs"....
Pure insanity in my opinion.....JUST FREAKIN MAKE ALL DRUGS LEGAL ALREADY ( maybe except for one)
So many more killed dealing illicit drugs that those taking them...
So many reasons to end this madness...Legalize to take the big corrupt money out....Cocaine grows in farmers fields just like corn or wheat.....It's cheap to produce..
All drugs legal but one...Crystal meth...death penalty for dealing in this one...
To remove first post, remove entire topic.
Just seen* some news and a video from Mexico where the Federales call in an attack helicopter armed with a rotary mini-gun to help wipe out the bad guy dope dealers....Wow...What is going on in the "war on drugs"....
Pure insanity in my opinion.....JUST FREAKIN MAKE ALL DRUGS LEGAL ALREADY ( maybe except for one)
So many more killed dealing illicit drugs that those taking them...
So many reasons to end this madness...Legalize to take the big corrupt money out....Cocaine grows in farmers fields just like corn or wheat.....It's cheap to produce..
All drugs legal but one...Crystal meth...death penalty for dealing in this one...
We gotta make a change
It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.
Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live
And let's change the way we treat each other.
We gotta make a change
It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.
Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live
And let's change the way we treat each other.
We gotta make a change
It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.
Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live
And let's change the way we treat each other.
Trump is not playing this one just to continue war he is not taking on this war to lose this war. We are finally fighting to win. Drug Cartels have become so powerful that most central and south American governments can not engage them. USA has been playing this for a continued conflict per usual we do not play to win. we are really to powerful to lose but that it continues. Trump just changed the rules I am sure established stooges and there puppet masters will be having conniptions about this but the USA is now playing to win again. It is finally on open and in your face , Mexico officials have been targeted killed, raped murdered them their families and they are scared because washington has been so wishy washy on all of this.
our illegal immigration crises is spawned because of the ruthless tatics the cartels deal in. well now we have a President as ruthless as they could ever imagine. and them sob are getting it..
to the OP those gun ships should be apache war ships and A-10 wart hogs that mini gattling gun should reoutfitted with a fully armed gunship display of munitions. and Our pilots should not be flying them there government should. we need to stop them from using our country like VC used cambodia no "(gooles)" here. "(hide and seek game)" .
Quote Originally Posted by mainman11111:
We gotta make a change
It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes.
Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live
And let's change the way we treat each other.
Trump is not playing this one just to continue war he is not taking on this war to lose this war. We are finally fighting to win. Drug Cartels have become so powerful that most central and south American governments can not engage them. USA has been playing this for a continued conflict per usual we do not play to win. we are really to powerful to lose but that it continues. Trump just changed the rules I am sure established stooges and there puppet masters will be having conniptions about this but the USA is now playing to win again. It is finally on open and in your face , Mexico officials have been targeted killed, raped murdered them their families and they are scared because washington has been so wishy washy on all of this.
our illegal immigration crises is spawned because of the ruthless tatics the cartels deal in. well now we have a President as ruthless as they could ever imagine. and them sob are getting it..
to the OP those gun ships should be apache war ships and A-10 wart hogs that mini gattling gun should reoutfitted with a fully armed gunship display of munitions. and Our pilots should not be flying them there government should. we need to stop them from using our country like VC used cambodia no "(gooles)" here. "(hide and seek game)" .
Yeah it literally makes no sense why they don't end the drug war and just legalize everything. My theory is that the government just knows society would rapidly fall apart if they were to legalize all drugs. Its pretty-well known and well researched that several illicit drugs produce intense euphoria. Unemployment would soar, people would be doped and stoned out of their minds and in public which could pose a threat to the rest of non-using society. Eventually there would be so many addicts, crime would rise because lazy drug addicts would eventually run out of money and resort to illegal activities to fund their habits. The wealth gap would exponentially increase (even faster than its increasing now) and the end result would eventually be utter mayhem and complete chaos.
Yeah it literally makes no sense why they don't end the drug war and just legalize everything. My theory is that the government just knows society would rapidly fall apart if they were to legalize all drugs. Its pretty-well known and well researched that several illicit drugs produce intense euphoria. Unemployment would soar, people would be doped and stoned out of their minds and in public which could pose a threat to the rest of non-using society. Eventually there would be so many addicts, crime would rise because lazy drug addicts would eventually run out of money and resort to illegal activities to fund their habits. The wealth gap would exponentially increase (even faster than its increasing now) and the end result would eventually be utter mayhem and complete chaos.
Yeah it literally makes no sense why they don't end the drug war and just legalize everything. My theory is that the government just knows society would rapidly fall apart if they were to legalize all drugs. Its pretty-well known and well researched that several illicit drugs produce intense euphoria. Unemployment would soar, people would be doped and stoned out of their minds and in public which could pose a threat to the rest of non-using society. Eventually there would be so many addicts, crime would rise because lazy drug addicts would eventually run out of money and resort to illegal activities to fund their habits. The wealth gap would exponentially increase (even faster than its increasing now) and the end result would eventually be utter mayhem and complete chaos.
it would probably be utter mayhem and chaos. if only we had a country that actually did decriminalize drugs that we could look at as an example.
Yeah it literally makes no sense why they don't end the drug war and just legalize everything. My theory is that the government just knows society would rapidly fall apart if they were to legalize all drugs. Its pretty-well known and well researched that several illicit drugs produce intense euphoria. Unemployment would soar, people would be doped and stoned out of their minds and in public which could pose a threat to the rest of non-using society. Eventually there would be so many addicts, crime would rise because lazy drug addicts would eventually run out of money and resort to illegal activities to fund their habits. The wealth gap would exponentially increase (even faster than its increasing now) and the end result would eventually be utter mayhem and complete chaos.
it would probably be utter mayhem and chaos. if only we had a country that actually did decriminalize drugs that we could look at as an example.
We just elected an authoritarian, jack booted fascist thug- So that's not gonna happen anytime soon. Jeff Sessions wants pot illegal again, and Trump wants to take "stop and frisk" nationwide
Quote Originally Posted by mainman11111:
We gotta make a change
We just elected an authoritarian, jack booted fascist thug- So that's not gonna happen anytime soon. Jeff Sessions wants pot illegal again, and Trump wants to take "stop and frisk" nationwide
Seems to me these drugs being legal are no bargain.
Smoking tobacco causes how many deaths per year? AND, how much added expense to the annual health care budget for the ones that need added care.
Alcohol, Added death and destruction per year on this drug as well...How many more innocents killed in auto accidents per year?..Liver disease and more to deal with.
Legal opiates...abuse and addiction on these too.
As we know, every human action causes a reaction.
So, the listed drugs above are legal....But, there is the hidden cost that no one wants to address.
Same costs for the so called, illegal drugs....Make them legal and heavily controlled and the societal costs will go down.
Start by making the top three legal... Cocaine....Heroin....Marijuana... 100% legal
Beer, Wine, Liquor....legal
Prescription opiates.....legal
Seems to me these drugs being legal are no bargain.
Smoking tobacco causes how many deaths per year? AND, how much added expense to the annual health care budget for the ones that need added care.
Alcohol, Added death and destruction per year on this drug as well...How many more innocents killed in auto accidents per year?..Liver disease and more to deal with.
Legal opiates...abuse and addiction on these too.
As we know, every human action causes a reaction.
So, the listed drugs above are legal....But, there is the hidden cost that no one wants to address.
Same costs for the so called, illegal drugs....Make them legal and heavily controlled and the societal costs will go down.
Start by making the top three legal... Cocaine....Heroin....Marijuana... 100% legal
I personally am not one to value any person more or less on what Buzz they CHOOSE to indulge. Some people do.
Some people blame drugs for what PEOPLE do. I do not. Blame drugs for decisions weak people make that CHOOSE to buy drugs over family responsibility. People still stamp certain tags of stereotypes on drugs based on what sh**y people do when they are or want to use. Say bath salts for example. I never felt any urge to eat anyone's face off felt like I must take continuously. Or crack, supposed to be addicted so bad after first couple hits you are begging for d**ks to suck for another rock. I can't say I even tried asking anyone where I could even locate a rock.
Meth, so addictive that it changes people into another person and you can't stop. Makes you start stealing and scrapping metal you find for cash or even robbing..ummm again...I just thought it kinda sucked when it's gone....notice how I said just thought? I didn't think everybody was undercover, drones flying around, or people following me and all that....anyway I could keep going on what I know from personal experience traveling down mind altering avenue but I don't wanna type for hours lol.
I'm very curious and always read all I can when I see info on this and I believe knowledge is what can help one control what they choose. There is a time and place for everything and everything is not great choice for everybody. For example I mean is we all have different chemical balances in our bodies from brains to balls. I could name 10 things I was on at times over time...No problems or worries but then one guy or gal friend try some that ask and had to watch em go berserk like madmen. Blaming the drug.Me and others were like wtf. I just looked at it as a wrong fit for that person cause of prescriptions and or just wacky balance in their body.
The war in drugs will not go away cause tickets fines from arrests bring in big bucks to city budgets. The system is based on extorting money from citizens for violations inventied and packaged then sold to public as protection. It worked! some people based only on what they've heard forever from what politicians say. Laws written by real criminals that we never can trust thanks to money donations from big companies with agendas.
Police false advertising in the way of writing up arrests as dealers in paper when in fact they are just broke schemers trying to use for free off the tiny amounts they get and break down. therr is a difference but in court from arrests. People with possession get listed as dealers. The system is promoted by the real crooks and backed by people in society that are clueless and do not see the system the way it is. The system doesn't help rehabilitate like it promotes...it generates money to provide money for local government to spend that is bugeted before any arrests have been made???
Needless to say I am against the war on drugs because I don't believe anyone should be in jail for possession of a drug....especially when the government has approved a pharmacy version of the exact substance through prescription. But if you do not obtain through making a doctor appointment.....The system will definitely be there to save your life by ruining your life behind bars.
Not a fan personally. Anyway I am going to wrap this up so my best friend Mr Pipe doesn't feel lonely. I take him everywhere I go. He never lets me down. I love you Mr Pipe;)
I personally am not one to value any person more or less on what Buzz they CHOOSE to indulge. Some people do.
Some people blame drugs for what PEOPLE do. I do not. Blame drugs for decisions weak people make that CHOOSE to buy drugs over family responsibility. People still stamp certain tags of stereotypes on drugs based on what sh**y people do when they are or want to use. Say bath salts for example. I never felt any urge to eat anyone's face off felt like I must take continuously. Or crack, supposed to be addicted so bad after first couple hits you are begging for d**ks to suck for another rock. I can't say I even tried asking anyone where I could even locate a rock.
Meth, so addictive that it changes people into another person and you can't stop. Makes you start stealing and scrapping metal you find for cash or even robbing..ummm again...I just thought it kinda sucked when it's gone....notice how I said just thought? I didn't think everybody was undercover, drones flying around, or people following me and all that....anyway I could keep going on what I know from personal experience traveling down mind altering avenue but I don't wanna type for hours lol.
I'm very curious and always read all I can when I see info on this and I believe knowledge is what can help one control what they choose. There is a time and place for everything and everything is not great choice for everybody. For example I mean is we all have different chemical balances in our bodies from brains to balls. I could name 10 things I was on at times over time...No problems or worries but then one guy or gal friend try some that ask and had to watch em go berserk like madmen. Blaming the drug.Me and others were like wtf. I just looked at it as a wrong fit for that person cause of prescriptions and or just wacky balance in their body.
The war in drugs will not go away cause tickets fines from arrests bring in big bucks to city budgets. The system is based on extorting money from citizens for violations inventied and packaged then sold to public as protection. It worked! some people based only on what they've heard forever from what politicians say. Laws written by real criminals that we never can trust thanks to money donations from big companies with agendas.
Police false advertising in the way of writing up arrests as dealers in paper when in fact they are just broke schemers trying to use for free off the tiny amounts they get and break down. therr is a difference but in court from arrests. People with possession get listed as dealers. The system is promoted by the real crooks and backed by people in society that are clueless and do not see the system the way it is. The system doesn't help rehabilitate like it promotes...it generates money to provide money for local government to spend that is bugeted before any arrests have been made???
Needless to say I am against the war on drugs because I don't believe anyone should be in jail for possession of a drug....especially when the government has approved a pharmacy version of the exact substance through prescription. But if you do not obtain through making a doctor appointment.....The system will definitely be there to save your life by ruining your life behind bars.
Not a fan personally. Anyway I am going to wrap this up so my best friend Mr Pipe doesn't feel lonely. I take him everywhere I go. He never lets me down. I love you Mr Pipe;)
When the Federal government stops trying to wack a bunch of stoners , and starts concentrating their rescourses on imported drugs and drugs manufactured in good old USA such as meth.and bath salts
we start to turn the tide of this war and start playing to win again.
When the Federal government stops trying to wack a bunch of stoners , and starts concentrating their rescourses on imported drugs and drugs manufactured in good old USA such as meth.and bath salts
we start to turn the tide of this war and start playing to win again.
Trump is not playing this one just to continue war he is not taking on this war to lose this war. We are finally fighting to win. Drug Cartels have become so powerful that most central and south American governments can not engage them. USA has been playing this for a continued conflict per usual we do not play to win. we are really to powerful to lose but that it continues. Trump just changed the rules I am sure established stooges and there puppet masters will be having conniptions about this but the USA is now playing to win again. It is finally on open and in your face , Mexico officials have been targeted killed, raped murdered them their families and they are scared because washington has been so wishy washy on all of this.
our illegal immigration crises is spawned because of the ruthless tatics the cartels deal in. well now we have a President as ruthless as they could ever imagine. and them sob are getting it..
to the OP those gun ships should be apache war ships and A-10 wart hogs that mini gattling gun should reoutfitted with a fully armed gunship display of munitions. and Our pilots should not be flying them there government should. we need to stop them from using our country like VC used cambodia no "(gooles)" here. "(hide and seek game)" .
Are you suggesting we give fully outfited military aircraft over to a foreign power? Cus that always works great. Just look at afghanistan.
Quote Originally Posted by nature1970:
Trump is not playing this one just to continue war he is not taking on this war to lose this war. We are finally fighting to win. Drug Cartels have become so powerful that most central and south American governments can not engage them. USA has been playing this for a continued conflict per usual we do not play to win. we are really to powerful to lose but that it continues. Trump just changed the rules I am sure established stooges and there puppet masters will be having conniptions about this but the USA is now playing to win again. It is finally on open and in your face , Mexico officials have been targeted killed, raped murdered them their families and they are scared because washington has been so wishy washy on all of this.
our illegal immigration crises is spawned because of the ruthless tatics the cartels deal in. well now we have a President as ruthless as they could ever imagine. and them sob are getting it..
to the OP those gun ships should be apache war ships and A-10 wart hogs that mini gattling gun should reoutfitted with a fully armed gunship display of munitions. and Our pilots should not be flying them there government should. we need to stop them from using our country like VC used cambodia no "(gooles)" here. "(hide and seek game)" .
Are you suggesting we give fully outfited military aircraft over to a foreign power? Cus that always works great. Just look at afghanistan.
Yeah it literally makes no sense why they don't end the drug war and just legalize everything. My theory is that the government just knows society would rapidly fall apart if they were to legalize all drugs. Its pretty-well known and well researched that several illicit drugs produce intense euphoria. Unemployment would soar, people would be doped and stoned out of their minds and in public which could pose a threat to the rest of non-using society. Eventually there would be so many addicts, crime would rise because lazy drug addicts would eventually run out of money and resort to illegal activities to fund their habits. The wealth gap would exponentially increase (even faster than its increasing now) and the end result would eventually be utter mayhem and complete chaos.
^^^^Logical thinking right here^^^^
Quote Originally Posted by Michfan15:
Yeah it literally makes no sense why they don't end the drug war and just legalize everything. My theory is that the government just knows society would rapidly fall apart if they were to legalize all drugs. Its pretty-well known and well researched that several illicit drugs produce intense euphoria. Unemployment would soar, people would be doped and stoned out of their minds and in public which could pose a threat to the rest of non-using society. Eventually there would be so many addicts, crime would rise because lazy drug addicts would eventually run out of money and resort to illegal activities to fund their habits. The wealth gap would exponentially increase (even faster than its increasing now) and the end result would eventually be utter mayhem and complete chaos.
Nothing should be illegal only because it is "immoral". If it doesn't harm another person or thing, than it should be legal. There may be an exception or two to this, but I can't think of one right now.
Nothing should be illegal only because it is "immoral". If it doesn't harm another person or thing, than it should be legal. There may be an exception or two to this, but I can't think of one right now.
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