Frontline is one of the leading documentary makers in the US and is widely respected by both sides of the political spectrum. It is aired on Public Broadcasting Television which is obviously subsidized by our federal government.
I was very interested in watching their documentary tonight on fantasy sports gambling.
I thought, for the first time, they would explain how a minuscule percentage of winners collect all the profits, thereby opening the eyes of the average joe public bettor to the true odds of winning 'the big prize' or any reasonably sized prize (i.e. virtually nil).
Did Frontline, a show I love, decide to do this? No they did not.
Instead, after about 10 minutes of largely worthless fantasy sports gambling explanation, they pulled the old bait and switch on guess who? Us.
Somehow the program started attacking sports betting websites, their payments processors and revealed the data centers of many offshore books are US based (that is the content for the site may be run out of NY while the actual bet is processed offshore).
So they tell this to a bigshot government lawyer and he says that of course is 'very interesting' to him and he'll be looking into it.
Betonline and Pinnacle were featured gambling sites by the documentarians. While I don't use these sites of course, just the fact that ANY online gambling site was featured turns my stomach. We the gamblers, have put up with more than enough to make a simple online bet and over the years we have had our credit card companies block our deposits, had our sites stop sending checks out of fear, and had many of our favorite sites fold up completely.
With the rise of fantasy sports and more encouragingly, ESPN featuring spreads on their show, we caught a break as betting becomes more mainstream and accepted the general public.
But tonight Frontline went out of its way to attack just that, as though this is 2006 and the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act was just passed. 10 years behind the curve...imagine that...
I'm a bit sick to my stomach because all it takes is the NY State Attorney General to lift a mere finger towards these sites and they will run for the hills like the poker sites did on Black Friday.
Terrible job by Frontline and terrible job not telling the real story of how there are almost no winners in the fantasy gambling arena.
Hopefully nothing that adversely affects us comes of this...