If the republicans cannot find someone that could beat a candidate as weak as Hillary Clinton, then they do not deserve to win another election, EVER.
Take a look at some of the names.......Trump, Huckabee, Rick Perry, Lindsey Grahamnesty.....Santorum? Not one of these guys has a chance at winning a national election. And they know it.
Jeb Bush? How big are his balls? Anyone with the last name of Bush wants to run for President? Reggie Bush would get more votes. Someone is telling Jeb to run. No one is that stupid.
Chris Christie? The photo of Christie hugging Obama after Hurricane Sandy on the beach is enough to sink his chances. And it is hard to sink Christie in anything.
Ben Carson, Bobby Jindal, and Marco Rubio will garner much media attention do to their heritage, but likely Rubio will be the only one to raise the funds needed to fight the Clinton machine. The GOP old boys may back Rubio because of his potential to deliver Florida for the republicans....Ohio looks to be a tough place to win these days, so without Florida the election is over before it starts. Carson has serious enemies on both the republican and democrat side, and Jindal will go ignored by March.
All things equal (and they never are) the Rep nominee would be either Rand Paul or Scott Walker. Both of these candidates will increase conservative turnout, and will win the constitutionalist votes at a huge rate. IF the party was unified behind either candidate from the start (next January) then the GOP would win the presidency going away.
But, they won't be. I would look for either Bush or Perry to ultimately get the nomination to run against Hillary....and they will lose; at the end of the day, neither candidate will get the conservatives to come out in droves and carry the electorate like G.W. Bush did in '04.
Biggest limp pecker: Tie between Lindsey Graham + Huckabee
Biggest left wing media target: Rand Paul, Ben Carson
Palooka: Jeb Bush
Campaign Money Launderer: Trump, Huckabee
I wouldn't bet 1$ on Trump at 1000-1 to win the republican nomination.
Trump and Huckabee are the same....they took a page out of Newt Gingrich's playbook. Start up an exploratory committee, get a PAC formed, and start taking donations for their "candidacy"......and then split with the cash.
The Republicans will split the electorate in the primaries and the candidates that have a chance vs Clinton will not be in a position to capitalize (i.e. Rand Paul, Walker, Rubio).
IF Jeb Bush wins the nomination, know that the fix is in, and Clinton walks away with it.
If you are a conservative, and want a win in 2016, then you should be cheering for a 2 man race by the end of February 2016 with either Rand Paul, Scott Walker, or Marco Rubio going against each other.
If that is not the scenario, its curtains and the fix is in.