If you plan on reading just ONE.....maybe
Sharp Sports Betting by Stanford Wong
BUT....if you're a sharp guy that REALLY wants to do well / understand HIMSELF a bit better >> avoid making a ton of dumbazz mistakes OVER and OVER......then maybe read this one first.....
Thinking, Fast and Slow Daniel Kahneman
to supplement the math / probability side.....maybe
Weighing the Odds in Sports Betting by King Yao
Conquering Risk: Attacking Vegas and Wall Street by Elihu D. Feustel
Mathletics’ by Wayne L. Winston
to help out with the psychological side......
* WAY too often overlooked IMO
The Signal & the Noise by Nate Silver
Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Or......like most everyone here....
* do little to NO prep work
* make no effort to organize your wagering / bankroll etc
* bet way more than you can afford to lose
* when you DO lose all your cash.....start pointing fingers ....
Claim that.....
1) really you had no chance anyway.....(it's all stacked against you)......NOBODY ever wins !
2) games were fixed......somehow
note: this NEVER works in your FAVOR somehow either........<< which is REALLY funny
3) or even better.....tail some poor basterd here .....just play (some) of his plays.....the ones YOU like....then RIP him to no end when you lose....... as he is clearly to blame.........

BOL Swag........................
The impediment to action advances action - what stands in the way becomes the way.