That's the title of another show that is on right now and it gives me the idea to ask all you...
Has anybody here on Covers seen a UFO...???
I have see a few questionable things however they were not so unusual that I'd call em a UFO... They were just weird to me.
I have had an episode of missing time. What makes it so hard to understand to me is I have no idea how I could have ended up so far from where I started, and in that terrain, without being aware of where I was or what was going on.
Happened while on guard duty in the woods in W.Germany. I walked a short post and was near my truck. Next thing I know I was a few hundred yards away and standing in a small field way off the road and facing a large hedgerow. I came to and have no idea what happened or where I was now standing. Like a switch went off while I was by the truck... then on again when I was hundreds of feet away. Seems to me I lost over an hours worth of time.
I had a hard time getting back to the dirt road in the dark without tripping in and over the terrain there. It was pitch black and I followed a tree line in hoping I found my way back to where I needed to be. I did. I have never had a sleep walking incident before or since then so I don't think that's what happened.
I had also lost my natural night vision which takes about 30 minutes to fully achieve while outside at night with no lights. This is how long it takes for your eyes to adjust fully.
Just thought it would be cool to hear some other incidents you may have had happen.