Line is at Lesnar -400, Orton +280 now.
Only a fan here, but I would have expected Orton to get the win. When they were advertising Orton's return, I didn't know what they were going to do with him. He's an upper level guy just a notch or two below Cena, but I don't see how they could throw him into the Shield circle right away. I also didn't see him as a mid carder either. So I guess it makes sense to build this "15 years in the making" match with Lesnar.
Heyman apparently re-signed, so that's not a factor anymore. They've been pushing that "RKO out of nowhere" thing pretty hard since his return, and you gotta figure on the big stage, the RKO out of nowhere will probably be one of the highlights of the show. One could assume that it was a powerful enough moment to get him the win.
Let's be honest, a Lesnar win over a tubby looking Mark Hunt with a 12-10 record doesn't exactly look that impressive to the average fan. A wellness/PED violation prob made Vince pretty angry, and make a loss more acceptable to Lesnar as a punishment. Rumors floating that the locker room isn't happy about Lesnar's double standard of not getting the Reigns punishment.
So I don't see Orton losing in his first fight back, as he's still a B+ level superstar with the company. I also don't see Vince letting his unstoppable beast that he pays big bucks for taking a clean loss though either.
So there's probably going to be some sort of interference if Orton is to pull it off. I'd have to see if a secondary storyline develops, but I don't think they need one with the "15 years in the making" line.
I guess it could be an "F5 outta nowhere" that Heyman can use as a tagline the night after on Raw. With Orton and Lesnar on separate brands, the feud should probably ends almost immediately. But they both need to switch gears and start new feuds pretty quickly. The interferers probably fill that void.
I haven't really watched RAW or Smackdown the past couple of weeks, and will probably miss everything this week with the Olympics on.
We'll see how the story develops. Orton at any plus juice probably has value at this point, because the lines can jump pretty quickly and he really does have a legitimate shot at victory.
Sasha was a lock before I even saw the line. She's the people's choice, and they made a huge deal out of her when she won it. Charlotte is Vince's ideal champion though. She's the heel with the body of a superstar, and that's why she held the title for so long. She wouldn't just lose it clean, and get it back again.
I'm just thinking about where they go with Charlotte after she loses. Just a thought. Maybe they try to build up Nia Jax as an unstoppable force like Awesome Kong was suppose to be, have her take the title off Sasha, then have Charlotte turn face again and beat her. That would build up Charlotte even more, when she's already pretty capped out for the moment.
It also gives a push to another Rock disciple (Nia Jax). Vince love's that family, that's why Reigns and the Usos have gotten strong pushes in the past. Yokozuna was a top heel in the Brett Hart era.
So those are my thoughts for now. P.S. Bayley is a wild card, but I think they really wait on her. Too much stuff going on right now, and I think they want Bayley's callup to be a big event one day. She's done so much for NXT that I think they want to make sure her push is done perfectly.