OK if any in here are in 60's heres the wrong thing to do wait till your 70 ..ummmmmmmmmmmm thats 8 more years of not collecting to gain about $400 more per month ..........ok now lets add up the 8 years of collecting about $850 a month
= $10,200 per year X 8 years = $81,600 uncle sam dosent pay you.... SO ok wanna gamble that maybe you die before 70.
WOW Uncle sam really smiles they saved all that cash because you decided to wait until 70!!!
Think about the increase cost of everything 7 years forward.. DO you really think that extar cash will be enough?
Look at it this way at 62 you might still be able to work p/t somewhere and earn about $15,000 a year legally ;;;paying more into your social security and then reapply if you make it to 70
I think thats how it works not sure.
OK they will not give you the full amount but i betcha you can get like 200 more per month.
I just started this thread after reading some other site posting about waiting untill your 70 their name was The Motely Fool LOL funny name too because i think your a big fool to wait.
No gurantees you make it to 70 #1 Also your giving away over $80,000 by waiting weeeeeeeeeeee is uncle sam happy if 1 million seniors wait thats a lot of dough they save and you think 100% will live to be 70 and how long after that will they live?
Robin williams dead at 63 ..ok he offed him self.
How many people YOU know that died in 60's waiting to collect when 70 I know 5 who never saw a dime by waiting.
So Please wait until your 70 Uncle sam will reaward you with more cash IF you make it
OHH BTW doesnt the gov't give you cost of living raises also?
Yeah i thought so NOT hundreds per month maybe an Extra $20 per month more each year.
SO in 8 years time you gain $160 more per month.
Yeah when i reach 62 i'm gonna wait to collect .......