Admittedly, I come here to vent about terrible journalism. Take a look at this gem:
Ok, here are the worst paragraphs of the piece, my comments in red (Cliff's Notes version):
Trump's predecessor, President Barack Obama,(100% condescending, passive aggressive, titling Obama as "President" and Trump as "Trump") enacted the deal without U.S. Senate ratification. A formal withdrawal would take years, experts say (What experts? Pure opinion.), a situation that led the president of the European Commission to speak dismissively of Trump on Wednesday.
Trump doesn't "comprehensively understand" (are you kidding?)the terms of the accord, though European leaders tried to explain the process for withdrawing to him "in clear, simple sentences" (again, insinuating that Trump is a simpleton...a billionaire simpleton) during summit meetings last week, Jean-Claude Juncker said in Berlin. "It looks like that attempt failed," Juncker said. "This notion, 'I am Trump, I am American, America first and I am getting out,' that is not going to happen."(This quote promotes the idea that Trump is alienating the entire world. Again, pure conjecture)
That fight has played out within the Trump administration. Trump met Wednesday with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who has favored remaining in the agreement. Chief strategist Steve Bannon supports an exit, as does Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt.
Trump's chief economic adviser, Gary Cohn, has discussed the possibility of changing the U.S. carbon reduction targets instead of pulling out of the deal completely. Senior adviser Jared Kushner generally thinks the deal is bad but still would like to see if emissions targets can be changed.(absolute source, no nothing, the authors include Kushner to keep his name active)
Trump's influential daughter Ivanka Trump's preference is to stay, but she has made it a priority to establish a review process so her father would hear from all sides(Insinuating that Ivanka is making policy), said a senior administration official. Like the other officials, that person was not authorized to describe the private discussions by name and spoke only on condition of anonymity.(Of course, the source is anonymous. There is no source...this is all conjecture and opinion)
Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said Wednesday in Alaska that he had "yet to read what the actual Paris Agreement is," and would have to read it before weighing in.(Insinuating that an administration official is unprepared. Why would Zinke read dated foreign policy material? Not his job)
Finally, the closing paragraph, and my personal favorite:
Scientists (Specifically, which ones, and who? I have asked this question at nausea, and have yet to hear whom the pipe hitters are in this debate or any sources of hard data) say Earth is likely to reach more dangerous levels (what is the defined "dangerous level?") of warming sooner if the U.S. retreats from its pledge because America contributes so much to rising temperatures.(This sentence is pure speculation. To assert that America's contribution to climate change is accurately measurable and comparable to others is absurd. Source please. Have to see the actual science behind that one) Calculations suggest withdrawal could result in emissions of up to 3 billion tons of additional carbon dioxide in the air a year — enough to melt ice sheets faster, raise seas higher and trigger more extreme weather.(Again, are you kidding? Now we have quantified the relationship between measurable quantities of carbon output and specific environmental affects? Show me the data, work, anything really that supports this idea of measurable output=definitive outcome.)
I get it....we all know the media is troubled at best. But, these people that wrote this piece are actually getting PAID!!! Upwards of 35 cents to several dollars per word!!
So here is what you get for the money:
1) NO definitive sources
2) Biased, passive aggressive reporting
3) Unconfirmed scientific data presented as concrete fact
I simply cannot believe these people have a job. Unreal.