Is it just me? Can we all just not get along?
Everyday now I wake up to some new terrifying news, Korea has the bomb, Nazi's are consuming the South, Trump is president and has a Twitter account, I admit it, I am a box and I need a break.
Facebook used to be a nice diversion but it has been over run by racists on all sides debating the undebatable. No one ever won an argument on Facebook or any other forum, ever. How funny would it be if a BLM poster and a Neo Right Wing Nazi were arguing and one would type, "yes, I see your point and I am going to change my view on this." WTF do these people think they are accomplishing. They each spout their rhetoric but it is a waste of time and neither will budge an inch from their obvious and well thought out positions of righteousness.
I have to admit, there is probably white privilege and I am probably an example of that. I also think that any person of any color in this country can succeed if they are smart enough and work hard enough, if my memory serves me correctly we just had a president who had some color to his skin. When we generalize, we get in trouble. The idea that all whites can do well with their skin color and it is easy, is going to inflame that race and the idea that no black person can ever succeed with their skin color will inflame the other side. The court is probably tilted some to the cracker but rioting and pulling down statues is not going to make any changes to that. Why the Nazi's feel the need to exercise their right to free speech in Boston this weekend is so beyond me I cannot even write another word on that matter.
Does anyone else remember 911? This may be the craziest thing ever typed but I almost miss 911. We were all in such a state of shock, the world was eerily beautiful and calm. People opened doors for you and let you in when you were driving. There was this amazing sense of togetherness as a country, white, black, yellow and green, we were not our colors, only Americans that had been bitchh-slapped so hard, we were united as one against terror and Al Qaeda. That is the America I would like to see, obviously not the victims in the towers and planes and all the others affected by the terrible and horrific planes into the twin towers but the 300 other million Americans that were united as one. There was no skin color, political party affiliation or immigrants, there were only Americans that were kind and loving and helping each other out. We were a country and that country could do anything, I am sure of it.
Yell if you must, scream, assemble and argue unitl you feel you have been heard but know in your heart, you will probably not make any difference.
Love one another, extend a hand, listen, validate and try to come together in the middle somewhere if you truly want to enact change.