Quote Originally Posted by packers1992:
Look leftists including people like d-up and the race baiter poster who shall remain nameless have taken a page from the Saul Alinski Marxist manifestos which are very simple
1. You grind your enemy to a pulp {Enemies being Trump, his supporters, conservatives and Christians}
2. You demonize your enemy and you turn them into a caricature of themselves{Hence what the press and the other evil people are doing}
3. You continue to tell a lie and tell that lie for as long as you can and as LOUD as you can because over time people will believe it
LIke Trump don't like him whatever your opinion is remember this: There is a war taking place in this country. What you are seeing in the streets on the tv in the media, The hysteria, The disrespect of this President and the office of the Presidency. The hatred that is taking place on the left. What you are seeing is Demonic
This is about shutting up and shutting down conservatives,christians and anyone who doesn't believe what they believe. These people are not afraid of Trump failing they're afraid he will succeed. Because if they thought he'd fail they'd wait for...him to fail ala folks like me with Obama. We sat back cut the grass had a cigar and watched Obama fail
These people are mad because had the other side won there would be no law. There would be an extremist Liberal on the Supreme Court. Christianity would be gone etc
You better wake up. I'm going to get destroyed for this but I don't care. they don't want Trump to fail or succeed. They want him dead and everyone who supports/voted for him.
I wish this wasn't true.....for anybody that doubts what Pack is saying, look into the literature behind Marxism and the 60's radical culture.
Take a look at it, congressional record: https://rense.com/general32/americ.htm
I get it...you will slam the link. I encourage everyone to look into the sources on the piece. Many Congressional records are not digitized.....the info should be available at your local college library:
Congressional Record, Vol. 109 88th Congress, 1st Session Appendix Pages A1-A2842 Jan. 9-May 7, 1963 Reel 12
Microfilm: California State University at San Jose Clark Library, Government Floor Phone (408)924-2770 Microfilm Call Number: J 11.R5
It isn't Donald Trump the man that the left and the media hates....it is the voters that put him into power. Elites do not like populist movements....bad for business.
Never has the takeover of America by foreign ideology been so apparent.
Never Make A Winner A Loser. Never.