What does it take to turn sports betting into sports investing? It seems just because the stock market is considered a legitimate system to place your money into, this makes it "investing." However, it seems to me that some people get into the market knowing very little about how it actually works. In my opinion, these people are "betting."
So why is it when someone hears a tip about how a team is going to cover a spread it is called betting, but when the same person gets a tip about a certain stock they know little to nothing about it is called investing? Is it because of social norms?
I am sorry if you do not agree with me, but I feel sports betting is way more legitimate than the market. If you believe you are privy to a fair market, you are foolish. Shady dealings go on all the time and the only people beating the system are the people fostering this atmosphere. At least in sports, the stats are all out there for all of us to see and make decisions about - given the data. For example, a pitchers era, a batters average, etc.
In the market, however, information is sometimes falsified, the truth hidden, or manipulated. Look at our current economy, look at Enron a few years back, and all these banks that were built on falsehoods. And who loses in the end? Us the regular Joe, the regular joe that thought he was investing in the market, but was really just gambling.
In conclusion, sports betting is considered "gambling" because it attracts degenerates and adrenaline junkies. The stock market attracts business school graduates and the like, so it is considered "investing." However the stereotypes are there because they are self perpetuating.
Sports betting is taboo, so someone that wants to fit in with certain circles of society, judges sports betting to be "gambling" only because that is what society has decided to deem it. However, this same person will "invest" in the market, but not think of it as "gambling" because of the fact that is is perceived this way.
Underneath it all though, both things can either be gambling or investing, the approach is all that matters. I dislike when people think Stock Market = Investing / Sports = Gambling. The two things are interchangeable.
What are others opinions? How can we approach sports betting so that it is no longer just mere gambling, but investing?