Your depths of stalking and attacking are improving every day, congratulations.

stalking and attacking??
I post in the same thread you post in (on a topic that i'm always drawn to like a magnet) and have an opposing opinion of yours, and you lash out that i am stalking and attacking. You have serious issues
Do you understand the demographic demand that Arizona and Vegas has? Of
course comment was not in any regard to speculation, in fact YOU
are speculating much more than I am, I have owned the same home for
almost a decade, I never got into the "get me money" refi game, but you
did. So who is speculating?
demographic demand? What that both places are dependent on frivolous consumption, with basically no manufacturing base, no means to food, energy, and water? Maybe you haven't noticed but in the time since Vegas came to be, more states have welcomed casinos to their localities then those that haven't.
Do you understand the overcapacity (relative to livability and demand) in those areas? OF COURSE NOT. BUT i know you are relying on your lies, which is why you are in favor of all this gov't funny money attempts to redirect house prices back to unaffordable levels.
Of course comment was not in any regard to speculation, in fact
YOU are speculating much more than I am, I have owned the same home for
almost a decade, I never got into the "get me money" refi game, but you
did. So who is speculating?not in regard to any speculation? you are taking a stance on the future direction of the housing markets, that is speculation whether you feel they go up, down, or sideways from here. I am not speculating, and you know this, you have been stalking my 1000's of posts and threads about housing since the first one, where i said I bought my first house. Re-financing from 7.125% down to 5% is not speculation, it is a smart financial decision. Continuing to make payments on an underwater mortgage, IS however speculation. You are speculating that the gov't will continue to bail out mortgage debtors until your infestment get's it's head above water.
If someone (the thread creator) was interested in INVESTING in real
estate, the comments I made were correct, you look for areas that have
been hit hard, yet have UNDERLYING demand intact. Do you understand what
that means?Investing is buying low/affordable and doing your best to ensure a solid ROR. if you are looking for an area that has been 'hit hard' and consider 'underlying demand' to be intact, then you are speculating about the futurem not to mention it sounds like you feel that buying property is all about a price. Your statement is leading, suggesting that the concept of property investing relies on rising prices. NOT GONNA HAPPEN BUD.
no need to respond to your psychobabble about your affinity towards HOA's. I feel they are obtrusive to wise investing, only adding fixed costs, and all that tripe about paint and "keep a certain profile from behaving in a way which can bring down the value of the community" is just that, tripe. There is local laws that prevent 'houseowners' from having their property within a community, deg-regrade their neighbors property.
Here we have a beautiful community with parks and all that other emotional, non investment speak, stuff. And guess what, NO HOA

HOA can accelerate downside risk, because foreclosure's become more burdensome to the rest of the pack that is stuck paying all those exorbitant fees for that crap.