Here my take on Hooters:
I stayed there once before I moved here. I stayed for a week. The room itself wasn't that bad and the bed was very, very comfortable. But that's it for the good stuff.
It's the old San Remo hotel, they just remodeled it, but forgot to replace the carpets - not kidding.
-The sportsbook sucks. It's a Leroy's, which I don't mind, as they are kind of sharp and will take fairly large bets. Here's the kicker: One night I was sitting at the bar in the tiny little sportsbook watching a college basketball game that I had wagered on (in that sportsbook). It was during National Finals Rodeo, and there were tons of dumb, knuckle-dragging, ten gallon hats and belt-buckled cowboys in there. In short, I was out voted and they changed all of the TV's to the rodeo - something that you can't even bet on!!!!!!!!!!!
Man, I was fucking pissed and let the bartenders and the cowboys know it. Note to covers members -
do not go to Vegas during the NFR.
-Later on during my trip I was playing blackjack there, at one of the Hooters girl dealer tables and the dumb box doubled payed me. Of course, I did what everyone else would do and just let it go and acted like I didn't notice. Within minutes, the floor came over and pulled her off to the side and said something to her. She came back to the table all red faced and was immediately a bitch to me. The floor personnel were eye-balling me the entire time I remained at the table - like it was MY fucking fault. First of all, if they had a problem with it, they could have just told me and I would have continued with my ignorance act, and returned the money saying a I didn't notice, sorry. They never said anything to me, but it was obvious as to what was going on. I sat there and eventually lost it anyway, so fuck them.
-They've moved the "poker room" out of the poker room so people can smoke at the table. No fucking shit. It's unreal. As in, they've moved two table out into the casino floor area. The poker room sits empty now. It's probably the worst place to play poker in Las Vegas.
-They're in the process of being bought out, although, I hear the deal is on hold for now. In any case, in a couple of years or sooner, it will no longer be "Hooters", it'll be something else. So, of course with this inevitably pending, the staff is pissed off 90% of the time and have terrible attitudes towards everything. Yeah, that's makes for a pleasant experience for the customer - not.
-The Hooters girls are generally box. Newsflash to Hooters girls in Vegas: The idea of skimpy outfits and hot girls serving you food and drink was FUCKING INVENTED in Las Vegas 50 years ago, long before a couple of morons from Florida came up with the Hooters theme. So, back the fuck down off your high horse - YOU'RE NOT ALL OF THAT. In fact, when it comes to hot looking staff, Hooters is in the bottom half of the list compared to other properties in town.
I had other problems during my stay there that week. When I got home, I wrote a huge letter (as in, paper letter in the US mail, not email) to the hotel manager and the casino manager. To this day, I haven't heard anything from them. I gave them my email address, phone number, everything. Now there's some quality customer service for ya. Unreal.
The faster they level that place the better.