"Hell on Wheels," about the building of the transcontinental railroad and a Confederate soldier, post-Civil War, who seeks to avenge his wife's death at the hands of Union soldiers, premieres Nov. 6 on AMC.
Hangtown - ABC
Hangtown's plot is set in the early 1900s amid Manifest Destiny and rapid railroad expansion of the untamed West. A young female author is driven to write a thrilling yarn for her New York based publishers, an inquisitive doctor is eager to test his skills in the burgeoning scientific field of forensics, and a U.S. Marshall works against those who would do harm with finely honed instincts. Together, the trio uses their unique skills and ambitions to solve crimes of the old west.
The Gunslinger - ABC Another western project on ABC. No news as of yet.
Untitled Western series - FOX
The untitled project is said to explore the origins of Wyatt Earp, focusing on the well-known events in his life like the infamous gunfight at the OK Corral and details about his brothers bringing order to a lawless frontier
Gateway - TNT
While that show will center around the Union Pacific Railroad, Gateway will pit three brothers against the evil cattle baron what murdered their pa. Taking a page from Deadwood, Gateway takes its name from the town where it will be set. Link