I don't want to seem too cocky on this forecast of these games, but I think the whole card has some easy gems here, and these games shouldn't be too over-thought. Hawks ML could be a nice little bonus play tonight too...but for sure... I would at least recommend staying the heck away from that Hornets @ Heat game.
I want this POD record to end finishing at least 65% for the season, that is my main goal. If it looks like at any point I'm pulling away and don't have a shot to do for this NBA season, my capping will stop. Maybe it's too daunting a goal for me....but I need reason to keep the pressure up and not slack off.. Having the goal at only 60% will not keep me disciplined enough.
Ok, enough ranting...
Suns +10.5
Early games seemingly tend to not be blow outs as often as they might be planned or expected to be, and this should be no exception. The number one goal the Suns have had set on their mind lately, is to play better on the road. Despite still losing road game after road game, they've been playing in tough places and looking better over time. I think too, certain teams have a certain tolerance level for how long they let losing streaks last, and the Suns aren't THAT bad that getting 6 losses in a row isn't a big deal for them.
By losing at home against Dallas on Thursday... call me crazy, but I'm thinking they might have been looking a bit ahead to this game, as they won't have another road game after this for a long time. And they've been showing great improvement on their play on the road, and not getting any W's out of it. I think they will pull out all the stops here, and I really...really see no reason why they won't.
Ah yes, the Clippers....I'd say they are contenders when it gets to playoff time, but I still think they are more vulnerable right now compared to most other contending teams. I think they'd need to improve their usual defense for this game, if they'd want to win easily by double digits. And I don't think that will suddenly happen, and I think they will be a bit too satisfied with trading baskets with the Suns. That alone gives the Suns a great chance to even steal this game here!
I like how the Suns have front court players with better than decent jumpshots, and I think they could give the Clippers front-court players trouble. The Suns main disadvantage is that they are soft, but luckily that shouldn't be as big of a concern against the Clippers, compared to some recent opponents the Suns already just had to play on the road recently, and they stayed close in those games. Clippers aren't exactly the tough guys of the league...
I really see a great chance on the Suns ML too! I'll put some on it for sure. Will post the night game pick here later.
Good luck to everyone else on their plays