The Stars pull off the big win in Duckland and the Hawks took the night off. With the Stars schedule I think they have a decent shot to catch the Hawks. The Canes are still in the race for the east final spot, but the hopes are one point more dim now. A tie will do them no good where they only have 38 wins.
Anent 2-0 (79-39 run)
BooBunny 1-0 (won last 6 games)
zipnjaz 3-2 (23-14 run)
southpenguins 2-1 (11-6 run)
Vanbuck 2-2(20-10 run)
claude_gir0ux 2-4 (65-34 run)
cubicman 1-1 (32-22 run)
nightshift 1-1 (21-13 run)
wawakid 1-1 (17-11 run)
jimmy4u 1-2 (28-17 run)
Renton2010 0-1 (7-2 run)
Didn't make a pick,
casanova6 3-1 (84-51 run)
Mixelpic 0-3 (13-9 run)
professorpix 1-1 ( 28-18 run)
hockeytown71 2-3 (7-5 run)
letitride12 2-2 (52-38 run)
Garthvader 0-1(4-1run)
MrZamboni 0-1 (17-7 run)
depressed 1-0 (5 game winning streak)
LuckyGuy 1-0
steelwill43 2-1 (52-34 run)