...but by caliber of team... team performance potential... team stability... coaching stability... GM stability and PERFORMANCE... injury history (age of team included)... Franchise financial stability... Drafted players impact... Additions and subtractions in the FA period...and YOUR GUT FEELING...
Who can we put on a premature list... of teams that have a serious potential to win 16 of thier first 28 game in the upcoming 2012-13 season.
Given that these teams can OPEN a season on a Cup winning type of run... and that they survive the remainder of the regular season and qualify for the playoffs... they should be mentioned in the short list of potential Cup Champs for next season.
And if they have a major shortcoming that would hinder them... List it as well (as in Kings scoring problems... which they corrected during last season prior to the run for the Cup).
1) - I'll start with the Kings who look to have the ability to field almost the exact same team as they used in these past playoffs to win it all.
They stayed injury free during the playoffs and are one of the younger teams in the NHL when compared to other serious contenders. The franchise is doing well financially and does not have major cap issues of FR issues for this upcoming season. They chould resing many of thier FR's and with Penner being thier only true question mark for now. They also learned that they don't need to worry about being at the top of the heap with a # 1 seed since they can handle the raod which is something they have done well for years now,
2) - And now I'll bring uo New Jersey who slide right on in and did what they do bext these past playoffs... they survive. The team itself is very gifted with a group of hardworking players who can disrupt and frustrate many offensive minded teams. The only down thing on the ice for them is that they must make thier gameplan work of they fall apart easy. And with Brodeur they have either a proven winning Vet in goal OR some guy who seems overwhelmed by a hard pressing offensive attack. Thier franchise is in dire need of funding and they have many big names to try and resigh with new contracts as well. If they can keep it together next season they could easily wind up back at the finals.
3) - NYRangers... Solid in goal and decent on defense they lack the ability to turn on thier offense when needed... and to keep it going that way in normal situation whithout playing from behind and needing a goal. Despite scoring problems I expect the RAgs to be alot the Atlantic again next season and just maybe with the infamous Presidents Trophy.
Phoenix Coyotes who saw Smith turn into a upper end netminder ONLY since he now had a team full of players commited to winning Coyote Ugly (unlike in TB where they atack, atack, attack... and sometimes help out on defense. The biggie in the desert is in them finding an owener and then finding out what kind of ownership they will try and become... one who simply goes throught the motions of ownership to make money marketing a team... or gathering players who can make success happen and allow marketing to just ride thier tails. Will the new owners be spenders to try and win... on thrifty and just make a buck on the season. Phoenix needs to be more consistant and learn to not depend of streaks, The should be more consistent vs each team every night and then they will get more serious consideration. You can play only so much going backwards... before you must sustain some kind of offensive attack on the other teams D&G.
In brief I've coverered all 4 conference finalist for the 2012 playoffs... Next... are the teams that lost in the conference semi's... St.Louis, Washington, Nashville... and Philadelphia.