BUY-IN: $100
STARTS: Thursday FEBRUARY 19th
ENDS: Wednesday APRIL 15th
* A Minimum of 100 Picks is Required. (anyone short of that will be deducted -110 for each game. Its very easy to hit minimum # when there's a possible 168 plays u can make.)
* Max of 3 Picks Per Day. (u dont have to play 3 every day if u dont want to but players must meet Required 100 for 2nd Half of pool.)
* Must make at least 1 Play a Day During Last 5 Days of Pool. (Keeps things Fair & Stops guys from sitting on leads without picking games during Final Week...)

*** Should have 5-10 of the Regulars that play in all my pools, ALL NEW PLAYERS WELCOMED.. More Players, Bigger the Prize Pot $
** Pm if interested or have any questions.