Last night I backed several riders to win stage 12 of Le tour prior to the start of the race with centrebet..I noticed they did not list David Millar or several other riders,nor did they have any other option such "Rider not quoted".so I went to the TAB and hit rider not quoted under the impression that all monies would be refunded with centrebet if a rider not listed was to win the stage..Oh how wrong I was...As we know Millar won the stage, yet no monies refunded from Centrebet..So I called them to find out the score..Apparently if you click on the "i symbol" you will find "other quotes" thus the onus is the punter to ring the bookmaker and request the rider we want to back be listed..Did I hear correctly..You expect us to ring you guys and request a market..What is this??. Bushweek..
I believe if they do not provide the facility to be able to bet on the winning rider due to the fact that unlike all other books they do not have "rider not quoted" then all bets should be null and void prior to him being listed for live betting...To actually not refund our money is farcical..They did not pay out on the winner yet they kept every single wager placed on that stage..F%$KING CRIMINALS...I want to pursue this further just need to know whether you guys think what they did was wrong or am I just having another bi polar episode???