When my first son turns 10 there are 10 things I am going to tell him. 1: dont do drugs 2: be nice to girls, most important your mom 3: find a job you like 4: try your best in everything you do 5: be honest 6: dont sports bet but if you do read 7~9 7: dont chase 8: push when your hot 9: dont bet small road favorites 10: if you ever see popthebook in real life run not walk the other way, because that dude is the dumbest, most retarted, has to be the most helpless of all of Gods childeren that has a real possibility of causing you brain damage by just looking at him. And he will ask how will I know its him? In which my response will be I had to read every book in my house just to gather back half of my brain cells I lost just reading his posts, and I could only imagin the damage he does when he speaks in person. So long story short .......Youll just know if you are walking down the street and your head starts to hurt without anyone saying anything; thats when you know to run cause popthebook is near. possibly some of the funniest shit i ever read here. |