And quoted his losing play by way of scrolling the emojis , and i chose the burning money and right then and there i posted it after his mock thread play loss! Because he talk down on me in my thread first, calling me names, as far back as nba season and now in mlb. Well Thats about it. The guy started trouble calling me and trolling me in my thread i retaliate once by way of posting the burning money emoji. Lol. And im here right away. Regarding the play of the universe header that i made that day, the play won, and i see no reason too guys being punish with their hype play, and i dont see 10 of em getting box, some of em doin it everyday in a month, and i did it on rare occasion, and i always have my ticket to back em up, the problem here is, the more you back it up the more you will get in trouble, and theres no returning favor from trolls to post their fade ticket plays too. Thats a petty thing if you were to ask me, but im not the authority here like i said i give no apology to the trolls but i give my apology to the mod wallstreetcappers if i said offensive words in the heat of the moment, you can weigh it too if i did it rough? Is it the worst? I think no. But i got the ire out of him obviously when the troll was being freed and i am still here for posting “burning money on the guys throll thread weapon of mass destruction thread he created just to mock me for his own pleasure” lol. Who does that. I am not the authority here, if this little trouble cause me money well i would not continue to post too if it doesnt serve my energy good. Il serve my time here just dont accuse me of something that i am not. Its all on the record, i didnt start any trouble thats the fact. I am not the one who call names and put down people calling em degrading names that aint me 100%. Like i said Respect the authority, il serve my time in here no problem, who knows it might bring out some good not only for me but to other guys too by making me as an example. After all who doesnt get humbled? No one, and who doesnt get criticize, blame, and mock and wronged in your entire existence? None!
Il suck it up and just go on with my own thing.
Good luck with all your plays. Not the day i want it to be too, but it is what it is.
To the guys who creating aliases to clearly attack me, theres more into life, internet or outside of the internet that is beautiful than continue to flatter me by giving me time. Thank you