To give you a taste of the action, we have decided to give you 1 free week at our fantastic site that is consistantly giving away thousands of Dollars a month in Poker Free Rolls.
That's right potential Pimps, our January schedule is nothing short of spectacular with a whoppng 203 Free Roll tournaments taking place, that is almost 7 Free Rolls a day on average. If you want to see what our fully fledged Pimps are making go and check in out in the Bragging and Boast Section of our forum.
With All Things That are Great, This Has An Expiry Date!
We will give you 1 free week , but you have to act NOW! This offer will expire any time, in fact we think we will only keep it open for the next 48 hours so if you don't want to get into the action of 7 Free Rolls a day then hit the delete button...However if you do, then read on...
How To Claim Your Free Week
It is very simple. All you have to do is send an email to and give us the following information:
1. You Big Daddy User Name
2. Your Poker Screen Name
3. Your Pimp-Your-Poker User Name
It's that simple
You can log into Pimp-Your-Poker by clicking here
You can sign up and download the Poker Software from Big Daddy by clicking here
See You At the Tables!
Send us the mail, give us the info and let's see you at the tables so you can start PIMPING YOUR POKER!
Terms and conditions apply.