Quote Originally Posted by Hugh_Jorgan:
Yes, Trump is a RINO.
Yes, there are both Dems and GOPers who are well informed, and also not so much.
Although, you constantly reference ONLY the GOPers with negative names.
Who was it that called Trump a true conservative?
Are you referring to me, or something else you read?
The reason trump is so popular with voters is that he is not a true conservative, and he is not a politician.
IMO, had Trump just kept his mouth shut he would have won in November, but I, like many others, am starting to believe that he never wanted to win in the first place

I think that you are confusing my commentary on what other people post as my view... I simply comment on what people post... So if someone posts something funny, I say it's funny... When someone posts something disrespectful, I say it's disrespectful... When someone is posting like a lemming, I say they sound like a lemming and call out their confirmation bias... When someone posts something illogical, I say it is illogical... And
When someone goes over the deep end revealing they are a psycho sexual deviant nutcase and comment on that also...
It's like getting mad at the weather man for reporting how many inches of rain we had today after the fact...
So when someone said that trumps opposition was RINOs I pointed out the fault in that...
One problem that often happens is that people confuse my simple
Commentary as my own point of view... And you often see when a poster I comment on goes postal lashing out with insults and lies because they are stumped, you will see someone else rush into bail them out arguing with me or joining in with the insults and lies in a convo that has nothing to do with them....
Notice as you address me respectfully with rational views I am respectful back... And we don't even need to agree. As a non-partisan indepdent who takes independent and personal stances on issues and candidates I don't require agreement... That is a key problem with the lemming posters and why they seem to lose their minds...

I get what you are saying about trump not wanting to win and I made a thread a while back talking about this ...to me it is like if oreily watchers were to watch the Stephen Colbert show that emulates and mocks oreily, hannity, rush and other talking heads and the lemmings took him seriously... Trump basically did an impression and emulation of a GOP Candidate and talking points and the GOP voting majority didn't realize that it wasn't serious... Like thinking Colbert's old show must be serious...