Thats right guys i as a conservative am defending Al Franken. Him beuing forced to resign by his Democrat colleagues reeks of hypocrisy and BS. Look in the end the liberal MN governor will appoint another liberal to finish out Franken's term so in the end senate wise nothing changes. But this Franken story to go with Conyers is a political move that the democrats are making for the mid-term elections. They are trying to show the country that they are the protectors of women kids g@ys etc so they can go into next year saying "Hey we drained our swamp! And the GOP has Roy Moore and a President who bragged about grabbing women by the pu$$y! Vote for us!}
Chuck Shumer wanted Franken out because he cares about women{Funny not when the story came out of him calling a stewardess a b*tch but hey lets not let facts get in the way} the American people see through the Democrats BS. They can't run on policy or immigration or higher wages so they hve to run on Bs
What the Dems did is use Franken as a sacrifice to put the heat on the GOP with Judge Moore and President Trump. Now i haven't seen proof on Moore nor have i seen a Franken style picture with Trump. And even if the Moore allegations are true and there was a pic of Trump....They're still better human beings than the Democrats. Not gonna work liberals....Not gonna work