No agency in America has a better grasp of our country’s illegal immigration crisis than the Border Patrol, and their national union warned this week that Hillary Clinton would be a disaster when it comes to securing the border. In a statement released Thursday, the National Border Patrol Council said that Clinton’s proposals would put Americans at risk.
“Clinton’s call for amnesty in her first 100 days and expanding these dangerous policies demonstrates her deeply alarming willingness to sell out the security of American families to advance her political or financial interests,” the union said. “Her immigration plan is not only dangerous for all American families, but previews an administration that will once again defy the will of the voters and Congress to implement a divisive, reckless and partisan agenda.”
The union endorsed Donald Trump earlier this year and expressed support for his proposal to build a wall across the Mexican border. In the statement this week, however, Border Patrol officials were more concerned about Clinton’s promises than they were about Trump’s. On the day she was scheduled to deliver her acceptance speech in Philadelphia, the NBPC said that she would – unbelievably – be even worse than Obama on immigration.
“Hillary Clinton’s only criticism was that Obama did not go far enough,” they wrote. “Clinton and Obama both agree that they must appease the radical extremists in their party’s furthest fringe. Unfortunately, the citizens who were victimized by criminal aliens paid the cost of that appeasement, as well as cities that were flooded with meth and heroin, and the crimes associated with the illegal drug trade.”
The union’s statement is a sharp reminder that this election will have real, lasting consequences. It’s easy to forget about that in the day-to-day drama, and Trump’s colorful presence makes it even easier than usual. But after all the fun is over, we’re going to have a new president. That president is going to implement policies that affect, to some degree, every single American. That’s something we need to keep in mind when we have a candidate promising to double-down on Obama’s mistakes and sacrifice our country’s security (if not our very sovereignty) for the sake of the Hispanic vote.
Real people are being victimized by illegal immigrants. Real jobs are being lost to illegal immigrants. Real families are being torn apart by drugs that should have never crossed the border.
No president can solve this crisis overnight, but only one of our two candidates is even going to try.
The other one has vowed to make things worse.