The continued disrespect the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton are showing towards gay Americans are pushing even more of the LGBT voting block into the Donald Trump camp.
Just five days after a radical Islamic terrorist slaughtered 49 people during the Orlando shooting at a gay nightclub, President Obama was caught meeting with the Saudi prince.
Saudi Arabia is one of the countries most notorious for state sanctioned violence against gays.
Obama reportedly met with the young Saudi Arabian Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, at the White House to discuss how to “fight terrorism.” Video is below
If this is not offensive to are not American
Exactly how Obama is going to be about to expound upon a topic while still refusing to use the “label” required to properly describe said topic had to make for one odd conversation indeed.
Until obama and his Liberal followers are willing to admit a radical Islamic terrorist, and not the Second Amendment, is to blame for the 49 deaths and 53 wounded in Orlando, there will be no powerful or successful movement in the war on terror.
The Saudi prince, who was dressed in full traditional garb, was nearly jogged into the Oval Office by his White House escorts.
No news cameras, or even a White House press pool reporter, was allowed inside to see Obama shake hands with the future leader of the country which feels justified in jailing and killing citizens because of whom they choose to love.
Just two months ago, more than 30 members of Congress signed a letter to Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to relay the concerns the United States has over the treatment of gay individuals in the Middle Eastern country. The letter cited the use of both torture and capital punishment being used against LGBT citizens.
There was no Rose Garden joint press conference after Obama and the Saudi prince met – they most not have wanted the images of the two men together to be snapped and used by Donald Trump to illustrate how clueless the Democrats are about terrorism during the general election campaign.
Obama's 8 years of actions, not words, show a dangerous determined sophisticated anti-America islamist radical.