WIKILEAKS Proves TRUMP IS RIGHT: Hacked Emails Include Info On Hillary’s Arming of Jihadists, Including ISIS
Republican nominee Donald Trump spoke to the National Association of Home Builders on Thursday morning.
Trump repeated his line that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama created ISIS.
He even went further and said Hillary Clinton was the MVP of ISIS.
Trump is Right — And Wikileaks documents prove he is right.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew that the US was sending arms from Libya to Syria back in 2011, a year before the Benghazi consulate attacks.
Hillary Clinton denied she knew about the weapons shipments during public testimony (under oath) in early 2013 after the Benghazi terrorist attack.
Senator Rand Paul questioned Hillary ClintonJulian Assange: So, those Hillary Clinton emails, they connect together with the cables that we have published of Hillary Clinton, creating a rich picture of how Hillary Clinton performs in office, but, more broadly, how the U.S. Department of State operates. So, for example, the disastrous, absolutely disastrous intervention in Libya, the destruction of the Gaddafi government, which led to the occupation of ISIS of large segments of that country, weapons flows going over to Syria, being pushed by Hillary Clinton, into jihadists within Syria, including ISIS, that’s there in those emails. There’s more than 1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton’s collection, that we have released, just about Libya alone.
This is another brilliant move for Donald Trump to bring this up now KNOWING that Wikileaks is going to release more documents in the coming weeks tying Hillary Clinton to ISIS.
How could anyone vote for HRC?