Snorkel..I don't want to put my personal info out here for all to see. So we'll have to do this by PM. I'll send you a friend request (not sure how to do it) & I can provide you everything. That goes for everyone who else who would like to help our veterans in Michigan this holiday season.
I got the list this morning of special needs: beard trimmers, 3 head electric razors, 20 elderly universal tv remotes (they have bigger #'s/letters & evidently they are always getting broke & lost), large -jumbo size 13 month calendars (these are used for vets to note special events & dates of importance to them), large Day Clocks for the visibly impaired with battery backup/alarms, DVD players, Bluetooth Over the Ears Headphones with Volume Control for ease of use for those with arthritis.
We can purchase all of these items on Amazon & have them shipped to the veterans home directly. For anyone participating, I can provide you the link to these products so you can check them out & realize the actual cost of these gifts. They are not cheap.
They are still in need of many of the items Snorkel delivered to our vets in Myrtle Beach this past summer which include AAA & AA batteries, stamps for mailing, DVD's but only new releases so they can show them at Friday night Popcorn Parties when the vets assemble together. They like action movies, car chases, comedies, who dunnite dramas but absolutely no blood/guts scary or war/battle related video's for obvious reasons.
Shaving cream. disposable razors, denture cleaners, brushes, combs and other personal use items.
I took care of most of their clothing needs last year but they love all kinds of team logo baseball/football & racing hats.
They loved all the snacks Snorkel delivered that are individually packaged but nothing with nuts in them. Chips, chocolates, protein bars, candy bars etc. which we can also get from Amazon & Costco.
You can see their daily needs, that we take for granted, are plentiful. I'm not here to beg you for anything. I'm just telling you about the joy we brought to so many for so little the last time we did this. These random acts of kindness remind our vets that they are not forgotten and their sacrifices are appreciated.
Let me know if you would like to participate or if you have any questions.