None. The answer is zero. Why? Because he’s not a socialist like 2024 presidential candidate and potential felon DJT/the former guy/Dotard in chief.
The Dotard in Chief is famous for interfering in the free market - as in D.I.C. 2.0 RonDeSanctimonious - because they hate free markets. They hate what they can’t control. They want the government to pick which companies are winners and losers baby, just look at those tariffs and how 2017-2020 went!
The current GOP presidential candidates are socialists, they loooove socialism, but just want to hand out giveaways to GOP contributors. They have been anti-free market socialists for a long, long time.
If ya don’t know, now ya know …
If the GOP were to put up candidates who:
- didn’t have horrible inflation-causing tariffs
- actually reduced taxes for all the states, not just the red ones
- didn’t increase the national debt by record-setting levels, only to whine like godless cowards about said debt a few years later
- didn’t openly advocate for First Amendment violations by trying to silence dangerous voices like … Jimmy Kimmel??? … Chrissy “PAB” Teigen???
- didn’t try to commit treason by undermining free and fair elections
- doesn’t lick the boots of dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un
- actually support our veterans and POWs instead of bragging about their draft dodging Cankles
- didn’t oppose all brown immigrants, which is really shortsighted given that many red states are totally reliant upon immigrant labor
… well then I might actually consider voting for a GOP presidential candidate. I know, those are really difficult criteria to satisfy, but maybe Frank Luntz can put together a few focus groups and identify someone who is smarter and less of a harebrained inflation-causing socialist than Trump.