Where do I start?
The Biden Admin and the CDC want as many people vaccinated as possible. Understandable.
How they go about doing so is mind boggling. Self defeating.
As numbers from Europe, Israel, Iceland, Singapore, etc. came in showing major breakthroughs of infections for those vaccinated the CDC and Biden Admin got louder and louder screaming 99% effectiveness and the pandemic is now the unvaccinated. CDC director says get vaccinated and you will not be hospitalized, Biden said to Don Lemon, get the vaccine and you won't even get COVID. Press Sec. Psaki proudly displays a blue chart showing Ohio had 99% of hospitalizations and deaths were unvaxed since beginning of year, Colorado was 96% for same time period. So what's wrong with this chart? In Ohio 75% of deaths this year were by March 31st, in Colorado 72.8% of deaths by March 31. Assuming it takes 3 weeks to get COVID and die, both those states were less than 10% vaccinated when 75% had died this year. Of course they were the unvaxed. And now it's the Delta variant, showed up in April. So if that chart was 2 months worth of data it may be close to predicting the future. BUT NO, they had to go all the way back to the Jan. surge to get THEIR NUMBERS. BOGUS NUMBERS. Obvious attempt at data manipulatiion.
On MSNBC CDC director said COVID has killed more children than influenza. There are like 330 children deaths from COVID. If you go back last five years, CDC's own data says over 400 children have died from influenza each year! To top that off, a John Hopkins study has found that all children covid deaths were those with life threatening illnesses like leukemia!!! They couldn't find a healthy child that died from COVID!!!
Whitehouse has a vaccinated outbreak. What are those numbers? WHO NEEDS TO KNOW AND WHY!!??? NOT DISCLOSING THAT INFORMATION!