He urged the Conference at the end of his work day in Doha, while the mean axis of respect for human rights Kmgarbh preventive, Member States, national human rights institutions and civil society to support and facilitate the comprehensive participation of all segments of society in public life, and to give priority to efforts aimed at the prevention of human rights and international humanitarian law violations, including the support of early warning systems, the Conference also urged the regional systems of its recommendations on the establishment of a regional center for early warning depends on the approaches for the prevention of human rights and conflict prevention and dissemination of human rights culture and capacity building.
He called upon all actors, support the activities, policies and strategies aimed to spread the culture of human rights and education, calling Meanwhile, the Member States to review the curriculum and policy reform and educational systems for the introduction of programs designed to support the culture of human rights and to encourage respect and tolerance without discrimination.
He also urged the United Nations bodies to provide support to strengthen the capacity of civil society and national human rights institutions and various government bodies to promote human rights culture and build knowledge.
With regard to the approach based on human rights in responding to situations of conflict, the conference called on all parties to armed conflict to abide by international humanitarian law and international human rights law and humanitarian principles, and urged Member States to exert its influence on all parties involved in armed conflict to abide by the rules of international humanitarian law and principles human rights, giving priority to respond to the humanitarian needs of the victims.
He also called on the international community to shoulder its responsibilities under international law to put an end to the grave violations of human rights caused by armed conflict or occupation.
The Conference urged Member States to ensure the protection of civilians, particularly groups that suffer from exclusion and marginalization, especially women and children, the elderly and displaced people and those with disabilities.
The conference called on the Member States, national human rights institutions and civil society, to make greater efforts to ensure respect for the rights of children, including the fight against child labor and exploitation for military purposes, as well as to prevent all forms of violence and to investigate and punish them, especially violence against women perpetrated by government parties and non-governmental armed groups, and that the zero-tolerance policy applied at all.
Member States, national human rights institutions also urged to allocate appropriate resources and take effective measures to ensure that victims of human rights violations, especially survivors of sexual violence and violence based on gender, have access to appropriate support, without discrimination, including comprehensive medical treatments and care mental health and psychosocial and legal support to ensure fairness and justice.
The conference called for in the recommendations, national human rights institutions and civil society to continue to provide advice in order to ensure greater protection for children and to educate all parties about the conflict, including those of the armed non-governmental organizations, and urged the High Commissioner for Human Rights to continue to work within its allocated jurisdiction in cases the conflict to guarantee the obligations of States related, and support for civil society and national human rights institutions and international standards in shouldering its responsibilities in this area.
On the subject of the delivery of humanitarian aid, the recommendations stressed that allow and facilitate all points of conflict, access to humanitarian aid, including the rapid passage and unimpeded relief consignments, equipment and personnel, medical care and other forms of support to the victims, and urged the Conference in this context, Member States should ensure protect workers and installations in the humanitarian sphere of attacks and accountable the perpetrators of attacks on humanitarian workers in accordance with international standards, to ensure that victims receive adequate compensation.
In the field of education under the weight of the attacks, the conference urged the Member States, national human rights institutions and civil society to support and protect the right to education, especially among vulnerable groups, including minorities and internally displaced persons and girls, whose rights may be at risk, in particular in armed conflicts and the use of sustainable development objectives to guide the work of ensuring education for all.
He stressed the need for the introduction of legislation and regulations that prevent attacks on schools and the occupation by any party and take action to prosecute those responsible for violating these actions to justice, as well as authentication of these countries to declare Safe Schools and its implementation, which was adopted in Oslo in May 2015, and urged Congress Member States to take effective measures to stop the use of schools by the points of conflict, including the conversion guidelines to protect the schools and universities of the military use during the armed conflict to militarism and operational frameworks.
At the center of human rights in the light of conflict resolution and peace-building efforts, the international conference urged on "approaches to human rights in conflict situations in the Arab region", in its recommendations, all of the actors on the support of international and regional cooperation in the areas of human rights, education, conflict resolution in order to establish a culture of peace, calling on all actors to ensure better representation for civil society organizations, particularly those dealing with women in all peace negotiations and efforts aimed at conflict resolution and peace-building.
He called on all actors applying approaches based on human rights when considering the formulation and implementation of public policy as a tool for the legal and institutional reform.
He also urged the institutions to the mother
source oha, February 21 / QNA / participants at the International Conference on "approaches to human rights in the stressed
King of Saudi Arabias desk.