Ignore that crashing sound.
It is just the hopes of President Donald Trump’s impeachment falling
apart as Democrats and “Never Trumpers” bang their heads onto their
desks and weep. While all of America have known for months that the
Trump/Russia connection was a lie crafted by sore losers, now even
Trump’s most vocal critic, Maxine Waters (D-CA) has been forced to admit
The Daily Caller is reporting today that “she has yet to see evidence of collusion between Trumpworld and the Russian government.” While a guest on MSNBC’s, Morning Joe, she rambled on with her fake news about how Russia worked with Trump “in developing a strategy about how they could ensure that Hillary Clinton was not elected” before confessing on herself.
Prior to doing so, she talked also about what she “believed,” not what was factual. When read carefully, this is clear:”I am talking about strategies that were developed, working with the Trump campaign. I really do believe that much of what you saw coming out of Trump’s mouth was a play from Putin’s playbook.” (bold added by author)
Even the lefties at the Huffington Post were forced to push her,
however. Huffington Post editor Sam Stein asked the always angry Waters,
HP editor Sam Stein asked the always angry Waters, “But just to be clear, there has been no actual evidence yet?”
“No, it has not been,” Waters confessed, proving that her own agenda has blurred the facts at hand.
She continued to show how rather than unity, she seeks division when her side loses. She said, “No
it has not. And I want you to know every time I’ve talked about
impeachment I’ve said we’ve got to connect the dots, we’ve got to get
the facts, we’ve got to do the investigation. That is what leads to
impeachment, and I’ve also said that Trump will lead us right there.”
Talk about two faced???