With all due respect sir , you can’t wiggle out of post number 2 
yes , he can damn well for sure have is opinion on Pence , and he does , and I’m not telling him not to either .
when I asked in post number 2……
“ what is all of this written here ? “ ….
I was eluding to “ all of the butt stuff “ that he typed …..
and if you considered that disgusting or not ?
that’s it 
and you just stated that his original post did not contain anything that is breaking the rules , which is touching on the subject in the most bland and frugal of manners , but it is not exactly going hammer to the nail in answering the question of whether you considered it “ disgusting “ …..
geez are we connecting the dots here or what ?
It was the second part of his post that I was speaking about when asking if you found it disgusting……..
where he described one man tonguing the asshole of another man , not the beginning where he was speaking his mind , and exercising his freedom of expression , which is one of his inalienable rights …
This is all semantics at this point . you don’t have to answer me . You are not required to 
That would be extra credit , and done on your own volition , but I thought that you might have answered me about that subject since you had no qualms or problems bringing that sort of thunder into my atmosphere when you said what I type is disgusting …
And yes I make posts about other members , that is indeed correct 
I make posts about them , or to them , or about something that they wrote , which in turn created a thought in my mind that I felt like sharing , or adding into the conversation…….
You can describe it any way you want to , it’s called communication through language , it’s just that some people choose to play around with the context and meanings of all of these words and definitions in order to suit their needs ……
and to keep themselves safe inside of their protective bubbles when they don’t like what they hear , because it goes against their beliefs , so they label it as “ threatening “ to them ….
but again , they are simply playing with the words , like a tongue that swims around the dirty crust of an asshole does , as it knocks the dingleberries out of the butt hair in the process of that passionate and wet but disgusting rimjob that’s all done in the name of “ love “ 
BACK PATTING and KISSING threads are like passing HAM SANDWICHES around over and over-wall