So, Hillary -

Trump -

Why can't we create a "party" that runs on common sense? Here's our platform:
If you want an abortion, by all means, GET ONE!!!!! There should be as many abortion clinics as McDonald's. In fact, you drive through and get a happy meal with every abortion, comes with a side of condoms and morning after pills.....
Just legalize pot everywhere, already!!! We're almost there anyways, and we still have these weird laws about "ounce size" or whatever, and people taking tax dollars to feed and house them in jail. Shouldn't that space be reserved for the real criminals? You know what, I've never blacked out because I had too much marijuana - and alcohol's legal everywhere.....
If you're (and we'll include all races/nationalities/genders/etc. for the hypothetical purpose of "playing along") - you are finally free to quit blaming your s#itty situation your in because of your skin color or "religious beliefs", or whatever. What other country would welcome your whatever with wider open arms than the U.S.A.? Do you need a list of other fellow Americans that shared the same "affliction" as you that have gone on to become rich and famous, or can you figure that one out yourself.....
If you're g@y, and you're not hurting anybody, and you find someone else who's g@y and you want to be with that person, go for it.....
If you want to own a gun for protection, by all means, own that gun. Just know that if you show up on an FBI watch list, or you've had multiple arrests for "waving a firearm", or "armed robbery", you're done.....
Hey, cops, tone it the f#ck down. Not everyone you pull over is a "suspect". Some of us are just average working citizens that would like to make it home alive to our families.....
And finally, get out there and get a fu##ing job! Quit relying on the government to pay for you and your kids that you can't afford (please refer to my original thought on abortion for this one) There was a time not long ago that there was no - W.I.C., EBT, welfare, "disability" checks because your "comfort dog" wasn't providing enough comfort, etc., etc.....
It's about time everyone gets back to work, pays their fare share into the system for roads, maintenance, 911 for real emergencies, the fire dept, parks, clean water, sidewalks, military, everything you take advantage of now and don't help out with - I'm sure I've left some topics out, feel free to add your own "Amendements" to the Common Sense Party.....