MSN news an hour ago stayed through Hindu times North Korea is threatening an all out preemptive strike. Ryan in London signalling military action in the Pacific . dialogue has been removed from the un resolution Much to the protest of Moscow. China is onboard. Russia is the last ally with any real power left for Kim un . USA is not backing off but actually inciting the north to fire first as us and south Korea began a new set of excersisies. This where the subtle wording shows intention. The new war games are not drills not scheduled games. They are excersizes . North is not stating retaliation it is signalling first strike. The policy let leave be is now no longer tolerable. And north Korea has threatened USA and our allies nuclear war 11 times in two months directly from official release of the north. Unless Kim un decides to back down from give is our tribute payment or we will nuke you. This going to get ugly quick
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MSN news an hour ago stayed through Hindu times North Korea is threatening an all out preemptive strike. Ryan in London signalling military action in the Pacific . dialogue has been removed from the un resolution Much to the protest of Moscow. China is onboard. Russia is the last ally with any real power left for Kim un . USA is not backing off but actually inciting the north to fire first as us and south Korea began a new set of excersisies. This where the subtle wording shows intention. The new war games are not drills not scheduled games. They are excersizes . North is not stating retaliation it is signalling first strike. The policy let leave be is now no longer tolerable. And north Korea has threatened USA and our allies nuclear war 11 times in two months directly from official release of the north. Unless Kim un decides to back down from give is our tribute payment or we will nuke you. This going to get ugly quick
Well in the latest cat and mouse game. Russia has sent a brigade to the north Korean peninsula and has sent bombers into Alaskan airspace 5 days in a row. Trump is now playing with Moscow and north Korea . China has moved more cruise misslea to border with russia Japan is pushing for unconditional surrender of Kim UN's government. Well let's see how Trumps theater turns out. Cause it all hinges on his reaction to north Korea next nuclear demonstration does he have the resolve to call Putin's bluff and smoke pong yang or is he ready for diplomacy.
Well in the latest cat and mouse game. Russia has sent a brigade to the north Korean peninsula and has sent bombers into Alaskan airspace 5 days in a row. Trump is now playing with Moscow and north Korea . China has moved more cruise misslea to border with russia Japan is pushing for unconditional surrender of Kim UN's government. Well let's see how Trumps theater turns out. Cause it all hinges on his reaction to north Korea next nuclear demonstration does he have the resolve to call Putin's bluff and smoke pong yang or is he ready for diplomacy.
Mean time Iran is engaging Saudi Arabia in the gulf of Persia. So let us all see what metal our president is made of .when the press starts talking about mar largo its time to think what going on in the real world for this to be a story line filling space.
Mean time Iran is engaging Saudi Arabia in the gulf of Persia. So let us all see what metal our president is made of .when the press starts talking about mar largo its time to think what going on in the real world for this to be a story line filling space.
Well the next nuclear test for North Korea is next Tuesday . Kim in will demonstrate its new miniaturized nuclear weapon. China is now elevated to hyper ready status as the nation fortified its border with the north. Russia has pledged its entire support for pkng yang as a aggressive as trumps faster to Japan. Kim UN will denote a nuclear weapon by next Tuesday. So we all have to wait and Cu next Tuesday for whether we have this world or made not. Russia ballistic electron bomb chinas electron bomb USA electron bomb Frances electron bomb and England's electron bomb creates a black hole here on earth. Let's see what fuck pulls the string first shall we . wakey wakey mr president its real now and no time for golf this weekend so sad sure your couch in mar largo will miss you this but it's time you earn a few grey hairs.
Well the next nuclear test for North Korea is next Tuesday . Kim in will demonstrate its new miniaturized nuclear weapon. China is now elevated to hyper ready status as the nation fortified its border with the north. Russia has pledged its entire support for pkng yang as a aggressive as trumps faster to Japan. Kim UN will denote a nuclear weapon by next Tuesday. So we all have to wait and Cu next Tuesday for whether we have this world or made not. Russia ballistic electron bomb chinas electron bomb USA electron bomb Frances electron bomb and England's electron bomb creates a black hole here on earth. Let's see what fuck pulls the string first shall we . wakey wakey mr president its real now and no time for golf this weekend so sad sure your couch in mar largo will miss you this but it's time you earn a few grey hairs.
Your probably going to get your wish Tuesday Kim will test something in violation of the terms of um resolution. Us and south Korea begin an air force exercise named Max Thunder on April 28th. Tillerson Ryan and Trump all stating that the time for diplomatic patients is over. If this can remain in the Korean peninsula and Russia backs down from its constant air space violations with bombers capable of delivering a nuke. But I do not believe Putin is in a cut and run mode So well hope to see Kentucky derby
Your probably going to get your wish Tuesday Kim will test something in violation of the terms of um resolution. Us and south Korea begin an air force exercise named Max Thunder on April 28th. Tillerson Ryan and Trump all stating that the time for diplomatic patients is over. If this can remain in the Korean peninsula and Russia backs down from its constant air space violations with bombers capable of delivering a nuke. But I do not believe Putin is in a cut and run mode So well hope to see Kentucky derby
It took Trump ten minutes to discover that the intracacies of relationships are so complicated that he can't just do exactly what he wants in terms of foreign policy. The problem is I know he can't pick up a book on world history and actually learn how countries have developed over time, especially recently, nor would he really even want to take the time because Trump isn't interested in learning anything.
This anti-intellectual sentiment that seems to have swept the country, that I do believe partly played into Trump getting elected will end up disasterous when people realize being informed enough to form rational conclusions ends up being fairly important.
It took Trump ten minutes to discover that the intracacies of relationships are so complicated that he can't just do exactly what he wants in terms of foreign policy. The problem is I know he can't pick up a book on world history and actually learn how countries have developed over time, especially recently, nor would he really even want to take the time because Trump isn't interested in learning anything.
This anti-intellectual sentiment that seems to have swept the country, that I do believe partly played into Trump getting elected will end up disasterous when people realize being informed enough to form rational conclusions ends up being fairly important.
It took Trump ten minutes to discover that the intracacies of relationships are so complicated that he can't just do exactly what he wants in terms of foreign policy. The problem is I know he can't pick up a book on world history and actually learn how countries have developed over time, especially recently, nor would he really even want to take the time because Trump isn't interested in learning anything.
This anti-intellectual sentiment that seems to have swept the country, that I do believe partly played into Trump getting elected will end up disasterous when people realize being informed enough to form rational conclusions ends up being fairly important.
That quote right there sums up the Liberal/Democratic party. If you voted Trump you're dumb and racist... And you wonder why you lost November 8th?
Quote Originally Posted by sicknesscity:
It took Trump ten minutes to discover that the intracacies of relationships are so complicated that he can't just do exactly what he wants in terms of foreign policy. The problem is I know he can't pick up a book on world history and actually learn how countries have developed over time, especially recently, nor would he really even want to take the time because Trump isn't interested in learning anything.
This anti-intellectual sentiment that seems to have swept the country, that I do believe partly played into Trump getting elected will end up disasterous when people realize being informed enough to form rational conclusions ends up being fairly important.
That quote right there sums up the Liberal/Democratic party. If you voted Trump you're dumb and racist... And you wonder why you lost November 8th?
North Korea experiencing gas shortages the blockade of the north is being felt by the elite . car lines seen at pumps what few there are are out of gas. s ponv yang now threatens Australia with a preemptive strike. Russia says its presence in kamatchka is to secure Russian country and is not defending or should be construed as a protection force for north Korea. Talks in in resumed to address the action to be taken in north Korea. As ak Jazeera is replaying ministry of defense in north Korea States the is has come mad. USA carrier group and the entire pacific fleet now seem to be headed to northkore. Reports from south Africa state the USS bush is likely to pass around the horn of cape town although no direct communication has passed to south Africans for the usual permission to cross their waters. North Korea food fuel and sundries have been completely shut off and Kim in still states to his people Washington and the west is bluffing. In my assessment Trump is a lot of things but I do not think he is kidding when he states all option. Are on the table. When you see a cixe president a defense secretary possible three carrier groups and Prime minister in four countries at your borders saying you got to go. Kim in states he will test a nuclear capable device weekly that is madness oh well ..... Time to see who moves first.
North Korea experiencing gas shortages the blockade of the north is being felt by the elite . car lines seen at pumps what few there are are out of gas. s ponv yang now threatens Australia with a preemptive strike. Russia says its presence in kamatchka is to secure Russian country and is not defending or should be construed as a protection force for north Korea. Talks in in resumed to address the action to be taken in north Korea. As ak Jazeera is replaying ministry of defense in north Korea States the is has come mad. USA carrier group and the entire pacific fleet now seem to be headed to northkore. Reports from south Africa state the USS bush is likely to pass around the horn of cape town although no direct communication has passed to south Africans for the usual permission to cross their waters. North Korea food fuel and sundries have been completely shut off and Kim in still states to his people Washington and the west is bluffing. In my assessment Trump is a lot of things but I do not think he is kidding when he states all option. Are on the table. When you see a cixe president a defense secretary possible three carrier groups and Prime minister in four countries at your borders saying you got to go. Kim in states he will test a nuclear capable device weekly that is madness oh well ..... Time to see who moves first.
That quote right there sums up the Liberal/Democratic party. If you voted Trump you're dumb and racist... And you wonder why you lost November 8th?
That isn't what I said. You threw words in my mouth. You can spin whatever narrative you want. I suspect you just spend your time trying to pick apart statements to fit whatever version of reality you believe to be accurate. It doesn't really matter what you believe because I know you're wrong and that you don't have a firm grasp of what's going on.
Quote Originally Posted by packers1992:
That quote right there sums up the Liberal/Democratic party. If you voted Trump you're dumb and racist... And you wonder why you lost November 8th?
That isn't what I said. You threw words in my mouth. You can spin whatever narrative you want. I suspect you just spend your time trying to pick apart statements to fit whatever version of reality you believe to be accurate. It doesn't really matter what you believe because I know you're wrong and that you don't have a firm grasp of what's going on.
Just to clarify, since apparently you thought I was labeling the voters of Trump, I should point out what I meant by my original comment. I believed (and I think people on here know I've never really been a fan of Hillary) that one of the biggest differences between Trump and Hillary is that she was fairly prepared and informed about most topics because she obsesses over that kind of stuff and takes the time to do it. Trump just wings it and goes with his gut most of the time and tries to get informed on the fly.
That's precisely one of the biggest reasons I have no confidence in Trump going forward. What I'm saying is that voters overlooked it and still voted for him, for many reasons, immigration and abortion/Supreme Court probably at the top of the list. Whether you have faith in him or not, I don't really trust anything he says, which pretty much gives him no credibility and that is also one of the other things that's going to hurt him. How the hell can he make deals with Congress when the politicans likely know they can't trust the guy to keep his word and will possibly change his mind down the road?
Just to clarify, since apparently you thought I was labeling the voters of Trump, I should point out what I meant by my original comment. I believed (and I think people on here know I've never really been a fan of Hillary) that one of the biggest differences between Trump and Hillary is that she was fairly prepared and informed about most topics because she obsesses over that kind of stuff and takes the time to do it. Trump just wings it and goes with his gut most of the time and tries to get informed on the fly.
That's precisely one of the biggest reasons I have no confidence in Trump going forward. What I'm saying is that voters overlooked it and still voted for him, for many reasons, immigration and abortion/Supreme Court probably at the top of the list. Whether you have faith in him or not, I don't really trust anything he says, which pretty much gives him no credibility and that is also one of the other things that's going to hurt him. How the hell can he make deals with Congress when the politicans likely know they can't trust the guy to keep his word and will possibly change his mind down the road?
Politicians on both sides don't want to work with Trump because he's a threat to them. Because if he succeeds the voters will ask them why couldn't you get this stuff done? And the reason is because its hard and makes them all squeeze their pee-pee
Politicians on both sides don't want to work with Trump because he's a threat to them. Because if he succeeds the voters will ask them why couldn't you get this stuff done? And the reason is because its hard and makes them all squeeze their pee-pee
Your probably going to get your wish Tuesday Kim will test something in violation of the terms of um resolution. Us and south Korea begin an air force exercise named Max Thunder on April 28th. Tillerson Ryan and Trump all stating that the time for diplomatic patients is over. If this can remain in the Korean peninsula and Russia backs down from its constant air space violations with bombers capable of delivering a nuke. But I do not believe Putin is in a cut and run mode So well hope to see Kentucky derby
Quote Originally Posted by nature1970:
Your probably going to get your wish Tuesday Kim will test something in violation of the terms of um resolution. Us and south Korea begin an air force exercise named Max Thunder on April 28th. Tillerson Ryan and Trump all stating that the time for diplomatic patients is over. If this can remain in the Korean peninsula and Russia backs down from its constant air space violations with bombers capable of delivering a nuke. But I do not believe Putin is in a cut and run mode So well hope to see Kentucky derby
Politicians on both sides don't want to work with Trump because he's a threat to them. Because if he succeeds the voters will ask them why couldn't you get this stuff done? And the reason is because its hard and makes them all squeeze their pee-pee
TRUMP is a threat to humanity /////
Lets just hope we can get through 4 years without most of the worlds population being scorched
Quote Originally Posted by packers1992:
Politicians on both sides don't want to work with Trump because he's a threat to them. Because if he succeeds the voters will ask them why couldn't you get this stuff done? And the reason is because its hard and makes them all squeeze their pee-pee
TRUMP is a threat to humanity /////
Lets just hope we can get through 4 years without most of the worlds population being scorched
Packers - please go back to the kids table and quietly have your chicken nuggets while the adults eat their meal.
There are real life implications for what is going on. It is not an ego issue anymore. Or a Hillary vs trump issue.
Yup lets belittle packers1992 for hitting it right on the head. I think we have a democrat amongst us....Have you figured out why you lost November 8th?
Quote Originally Posted by mattbrot:
Packers - please go back to the kids table and quietly have your chicken nuggets while the adults eat their meal.
There are real life implications for what is going on. It is not an ego issue anymore. Or a Hillary vs trump issue.
Yup lets belittle packers1992 for hitting it right on the head. I think we have a democrat amongst us....Have you figured out why you lost November 8th?
North Korea feature this Sunday is ready to sink the gross monster. Meaning the Carl lewis with a single strike reports the BBC. The carrier group is expe ted in the region this week. Kim in states in the rhong dong the mouth piece of the workers party That the military is ready and capable of sinking this war ship next week.
Ante up . cause this situation is esculating.
North Korea feature this Sunday is ready to sink the gross monster. Meaning the Carl lewis with a single strike reports the BBC. The carrier group is expe ted in the region this week. Kim in states in the rhong dong the mouth piece of the workers party That the military is ready and capable of sinking this war ship next week.
Senate headed to white house to be briefed on North Korea no staff allowed just the senators. Trumps team is dotting the eyes and crossing their t on this pending strike response. Japan aemda two destroyer class ships to join the. Golden eagle strike group. They will be in the region within days fox news 608 pm est
Senate headed to white house to be briefed on North Korea no staff allowed just the senators. Trumps team is dotting the eyes and crossing their t on this pending strike response. Japan aemda two destroyer class ships to join the. Golden eagle strike group. They will be in the region within days fox news 608 pm est
Global has the stats on n Korea . the army they have is ranked number 24 it comprises of 4200 tanks. 4100 armored vehicals 2250 self propelled guns. 4300 PCs of artillery 2400 rocket launching systems. It has 944 aircraft but it is unrealistic that they will be a factor. For a Navy it has 3 frigates and 70 submarines it his demonstrated that it cN launch a middle from the sub platform the rest is a coastal brown water navy with 53 mining ships. It has missiles capable to reach the USA As the nation successfully launched a satellite into space a few years ago it has claimed it has miniaturized a warhead and tested the device back in January that has led us to this point. It is the largest military on the Korean peninsula. But to win this is not realistic. We have 20 aircraft carrier groups with the addition of the USS Bush. Pong yang has now taken an American teacher . with no superpower coming to aid of Kim in this could be done in hours. North Korea can be eliminates in one all go strike .our new f35 b drones and stealth 3 fighter bombers the moaab systems and the intended out come will destroy their ability to conduct war the only question is can we Seoul in the Process.
Global has the stats on n Korea . the army they have is ranked number 24 it comprises of 4200 tanks. 4100 armored vehicals 2250 self propelled guns. 4300 PCs of artillery 2400 rocket launching systems. It has 944 aircraft but it is unrealistic that they will be a factor. For a Navy it has 3 frigates and 70 submarines it his demonstrated that it cN launch a middle from the sub platform the rest is a coastal brown water navy with 53 mining ships. It has missiles capable to reach the USA As the nation successfully launched a satellite into space a few years ago it has claimed it has miniaturized a warhead and tested the device back in January that has led us to this point. It is the largest military on the Korean peninsula. But to win this is not realistic. We have 20 aircraft carrier groups with the addition of the USS Bush. Pong yang has now taken an American teacher . with no superpower coming to aid of Kim in this could be done in hours. North Korea can be eliminates in one all go strike .our new f35 b drones and stealth 3 fighter bombers the moaab systems and the intended out come will destroy their ability to conduct war the only question is can we Seoul in the Process.
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