Quote Originally Posted by shiek:
They do steal some jobs (construction etc) but they do many jobs Americans won’t. The problem, however, is the broken immigration system, which could easily be fixed if Washington wasn’t so dysfunctional. Only in a broken America would we allow for a system that fosters illegal labor, sanctuary cities, idiotic walls etc
Ok how do you fix this
it seems the root cause of many problems. .
This secondary labor market, is creating suffering. First the legal employee feels misery in watching a job go to an illegal.
The job went to the illegal as a form of control what can an illegal worker say to unsafe or unsanitary conditions.
Human traffickers and slavers utilize this fear to subdue compliance. What is the over sight. Deportation? Is vulgarity now acceptable as we run a black market in labor?
Now the illegal worker feels suffering.
He or she must work harder for less money.
Again grapes of wrath the farmer 9bly wanted to pay 2 pennies a bushel when the workers struck the wage moved to 5 cents a bushel
The secret was they paid the 5 cents anyway just spread it out to security black lists , thug tactics instead of paying the worker 5 cents
There has yo be some sort of moral reasoning within general population.
If it is necessary to survive it can't be determined illegal. It shouldn't cost human dignity to be able to eat drink and live in security
The wall was never to be finished just sections 'natural obstructionist features exist to dissuade immigration
. Now border security to protect the nation from illegals . And potentially terrorists. 200,000 arrests and detentions in a month?
Think about that. 7000 a day arrested for illegal entry. A million humans incarcerated.
In 2016, As of 2016, 2.3 million people were incarcerated in the United States, at a rate of 698 people per 100,000. Total US incarceration peaked in 2008. Total correctional population (prison, jail, probation, parole) peaked in 2007. In 2008 the US had around 24.7% of the world's 9.8 million prisoners.
With these new prisoners we hold nearly a third of the world's prisoners and we only make up 5 percent of the world's population.....
It becoming maddening the thought of the needless human suffering those who are starving and watch crops rot do lack of workers. Those who die on the trail of dust pan am highway from panama to arizona new mexico and texas for lack of water .
Then seeing the human rights abuses in human trafficking dealing with entire waste of human lives and happiness because we have chasimic orators railing they are less than human.....