- WikiLeaks revealed how corrupt the liberal news media is and that how they colluded with the Clinton campaign
- WikiLeaks revealed the Clinton's campaign staff colluded with CNN journalists prior to her debate with Donald Trump in order to assist her in the debate and the election
- WikiLeaks revealed DNC staffers made anti-semitic misogynistic, racist, homophobic, sexist comments
- WikiLeaks revealed the rampant corruption in our government from democrats and their crony relationships with those in the media and corporate world
- WikiLeaks revealed the news media operates as the direct propaganda arm of the government and covers for its criminal actions
- WikiLeaks revealed treason by the democrats
- WikiLeaks revealed clear-cut criminality by Secretary Clinton and her family, and her former staff as it relates to using her office to solicit tens of millions of dollars from foreign heads of state, for her family's foundation
- WikiLeaks revealed that Clinton's campaign staff and the DNC colluded to undermine and destroy the presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders.
WikiLeaks revealed emails by members of our own government, in an attempt to undermine our election, rig our election, and sway our democracy in a way that's never been done before. And Russia is the enemy? Trump is the enemy? All the evidence above point to democrats being the real enemy.
- Trump won the popular vote 31 states
- Hillary only won 19 states
- Trump won 2,626 counties
- Hillary only won 487 counties
- Trump won 306 electoral votes
- Clinton only won 232 electoral votes
Trump won in a landslide