The Trump faithful never doubted it for a minute, and the Clinton faithful – deep down – always knew it was coming. The latest Rasmussen poll on the 2016 General Election has the Donald Trump pulling ahead of Hillary Clinton. As critical issues unfold here at home and around the world, it appears the people are starting to form their opinions on whom they would rather have as their leader.
According to Rasmussen, which uses the Pulse Opinion Research group to execute its polling, the survey of 1,000 likely voters found that 43 percent of those polled would vote for Trump, while only 39 percent would vote for Clinton. Twelve percent indicated they would vote for someone else and five percent – incredibly – are still undecided. Last week at this time Clinton led by 5 percentage points.
This level of support is Trump’s highest in match-ups against Clinton since last October. The GOP nominee has consistently hovered around the 40 percent mark since April of this year. Some see this poll as a real move forward among voters.
With regard to Trump’s popularity among Republican voters, he now earns 75 percent of the Republican rank-and-file’s support. The number crossing-over to vote for Trump among Democrats, now that it is apparent Sen. Bernie Sanders (S-VT), will not be a contender for the DNC nomination, rises to 14 percent.
Clinton, in the most recent polling breakdown, garners the support of 76 percent of Democrats. Cross-over support from the GOP to the declared Progressive tallies at just 10 percent.
And while Clinton continues to hold a sizable lead among Black voters, Trump leads among White voters and all other minority voter demographics. This information proves out the point Trump has been making all along that his position on immigration reform and border security will not affect his popularity at the polls among Latino and Hispanic voters.Clinton, so far, appears to have been little affected by the release of the damning report by the House Select Committee on Benghazi. The media, sans FOX News, has given little attention to the most damning information against both the former Secretary and the Obama Administration for their culpability in the murder of the US ambassador to Libya and three other Americans by Islamofascist terrorists in September of 2012.
Trump benefited from a major speech on unemployment and renegotiating trade agreements Tuesday that even the New York Times cited as “perhaps the most forceful case he has made for the crux of his candidacy…that the days of globalism have passed and that a new approach is necessary.”
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