Everyone should put everything they own down on TRUMP to WIN tomorrow.
Promises made , promises kept
America has never been greater than it is now .
Mexico paid for the bigly wall
Trump Scrapped ACA, with the best health care plan ever ..Healthcare is universal and you actually make money fighting Cancer .
Infrastructure week was amazing , all of our roads and bridges are perfect now..
Covid went away by Easter, and was clearly just a democratic hoax as promised ...The current daily cases are all lies by doctors who never went to college and are owned by Democrats.
Tony Fauci is a fraud , We need to trust the demon sperm lady for all future health concerns ..
Russian collusion was a hoax, thank God the Republicans refused to call witnesses..Bc they were all traitors to our supreme leader
Hillary is rotting in prison..And Obama is next
Why would anyone want environmental protections ? There is no such thing as the environment ( another hoax)
Putin is to be trusted over our 17 US intelligence agencies ( Including military)..They're all just frauds and should be disbanded ..We can count on Putin and Kim for reliable info .
Hunter Bidens laptop was exposed on Tucker carlson , he never lost the " Evidence ". TUCKER and HANNITY should be in Trump's cabinet ...
Rudy Giuliani has more integrity than any American ..
Pizza gate was real , Qanon and Breitbart are the only news source we need
We dont need allies anymore , All we need is Putin and Kim...They're actually really good guys , who are better than the socialist Democrats..
Our Military and Vets are full of suckers and losers as our dear leader promised...POW'S are definitely not heros bc they got caught . My uncle should have never been captured in Vietnam , he should have dodged the draft like Trump ..
Our Farmers didnt even accept the 4 socialist bailout payments , bc Trumps trade war was a success..
Trump never had hats and flags made in China ..
Melania is the greatest 3rd lady ever ..She even allows donald to bang dried up pro stars while she is giving birth ..
I recently borrowed 4 quadrillion dollars from Deutsche Bank ..Letting it ride on Trump at -200 , because plus odds are for suckers and I dont want to steal money from the books ..