James Carville on CNN late last night on the current and future state of the Democratic Party
How easily did THEY create this horrific mess..examples..
#1 Elect the most LIBERAL radical POTUS
#2 First day in office. .tries CLOSING Club Gitmo.
#3 Signs 1BILLION corrupt Stimulus package bill..that created such great, green FAILED companies like Solondra?? And funded community rabel rousers like ACORN..remember that corrupt outfit..
#4 Having Eric Holder as AG...who can forget that crazy idea of "Fast and Furious"...he was so corrupt
#5a Employed Vann Jones at one time..enough said..
#5b Also employing that one chick who REVERED Mau???
#6 $$ Tim Geithner and forcing the BANKS to take the $$ or their not leaving the room..remember that one...
#7 While on topic, the mayor of Chicago now, Rahm Emanuel...the shakedown king..hows that working out for you Chicago...any cova's brotha's headed to the southside anytime soon?? Never forget him arm twisting innocent DEM representatives that didn't want anything to do with ACA passage(whom were right)
#8 IRAQ fiasco..leaving no troops there??WTF...by lightyears, the most costly decision in terms of HUMAN LIFE any President has ever ever made..
#9 Beergate..BOH "the cops are stupid"
#10 Not even considering reaching across the aisle..passes ACA with not a single VOTE or AMENDMENT presented by GOP
#11 Creating CZARS...DT will eliminate those positions so fast it's not funny
#12 Installing HRC as Secretary of State with Clinton Crime Foundation open for business..
#13 Russian RESET button Besides BeeBee Netanahuye(?) there is no other WORLD leader happier to deal with another LEADER than Vladdy..
#14 Libya and entire Benghazi fiasco...So much lying it was UNREAL..HRC lying to Pat Smith's face...unbeeleevable..yeah, all because of a stupid video..and that put that dude in jail too "What difference does it make"
#15 HRC as SOS...blowing up the Middle east ..the "ARAB SPRING"...most unstable region on this earth HRC was by far, the worst SOS..and she won the popular vote...some sheep are so incredibly naïve and stupid it's absolutely unreal..
#16 BOH "apology tour"..how fricken embarrassing..kissing that one leaders feet, as s, or whatever or it was...
More coming..gotta post what I've done so far
How easily did THEY create this horrific mess..examples..
#1 Elect the most LIBERAL radical POTUS
#2 First day in office. .tries CLOSING Club Gitmo.
#3 Signs 1BILLION corrupt Stimulus package bill..that created such great, green FAILED companies like Solondra?? And funded community rabel rousers like ACORN..remember that corrupt outfit..
#4 Having Eric Holder as AG...who can forget that crazy idea of "Fast and Furious"...he was so corrupt
#5a Employed Vann Jones at one time..enough said..
#5b Also employing that one chick who REVERED Mau???
#6 $$ Tim Geithner and forcing the BANKS to take the $$ or their not leaving the room..remember that one...
#7 While on topic, the mayor of Chicago now, Rahm Emanuel...the shakedown king..hows that working out for you Chicago...any cova's brotha's headed to the southside anytime soon?? Never forget him arm twisting innocent DEM representatives that didn't want anything to do with ACA passage(whom were right)
#8 IRAQ fiasco..leaving no troops there??WTF...by lightyears, the most costly decision in terms of HUMAN LIFE any President has ever ever made..
#9 Beergate..BOH "the cops are stupid"
#10 Not even considering reaching across the aisle..passes ACA with not a single VOTE or AMENDMENT presented by GOP
#11 Creating CZARS...DT will eliminate those positions so fast it's not funny
#12 Installing HRC as Secretary of State with Clinton Crime Foundation open for business..
#13 Russian RESET button Besides BeeBee Netanahuye(?) there is no other WORLD leader happier to deal with another LEADER than Vladdy..
#14 Libya and entire Benghazi fiasco...So much lying it was UNREAL..HRC lying to Pat Smith's face...unbeeleevable..yeah, all because of a stupid video..and that put that dude in jail too "What difference does it make"
#15 HRC as SOS...blowing up the Middle east ..the "ARAB SPRING"...most unstable region on this earth HRC was by far, the worst SOS..and she won the popular vote...some sheep are so incredibly naïve and stupid it's absolutely unreal..
#16 BOH "apology tour"..how fricken embarrassing..kissing that one leaders feet, as s, or whatever or it was...
More coming..gotta post what I've done so far
How easily did THEY create this horrific mess..examples..
#1 Elect the most LIBERAL radical POTUS
#2 First day in office. .tries CLOSING Club Gitmo.
#3 Signs 1BILLION corrupt Stimulus package bill..that created such great, green FAILED companies like Solondra?? And funded community rabel rousers like ACORN..remember that corrupt outfit..
#4 Having Eric Holder as AG...who can forget that crazy idea of "Fast and Furious"...he was so corrupt
#5a Employed Vann Jones at one time..enough said..
#5b Also employing that one chick who REVERED Mau???
#6 $$ Tim Geithner and forcing the BANKS to take the $$ or their not leaving the room..remember that one...
#7 While on topic, the mayor of Chicago now, Rahm Emanuel...the shakedown king..hows that working out for you Chicago...any cova's brotha's headed to the southside anytime soon?? Never forget him arm twisting innocent DEM representatives that didn't want anything to do with ACA passage(whom were right)
#8 IRAQ fiasco..leaving no troops there??WTF...by lightyears, the most costly decision in terms of HUMAN LIFE any President has ever ever made..
#9 Beergate..BOH "the cops are stupid"
#10 Not even considering reaching across the aisle..passes ACA with not a single VOTE or AMENDMENT presented by GOP
#11 Creating CZARS...DT will eliminate those positions so fast it's not funny
#12 Installing HRC as Secretary of State with Clinton Crime Foundation open for business..
#13 Russian RESET button Besides BeeBee Netanahuye(?) there is no other WORLD leader happier to deal with another LEADER than Vladdy..
#14 Libya and entire Benghazi fiasco...So much lying it was UNREAL..HRC lying to Pat Smith's face...unbeeleevable..yeah, all because of a stupid video..and that put that dude in jail too "What difference does it make"
#15 HRC as SOS...blowing up the Middle east ..the "ARAB SPRING"...most unstable region on this earth HRC was by far, the worst SOS..and she won the popular vote...some sheep are so incredibly naïve and stupid it's absolutely unreal..
#16 BOH "apology tour"..how fricken embarrassing..kissing that one leaders feet, as s, or whatever or it was...
More coming..gotta post what I've done so far
How easily did THEY create this horrific mess..examples..
#1 Elect the most LIBERAL radical POTUS
#2 First day in office. .tries CLOSING Club Gitmo.
#3 Signs 1BILLION corrupt Stimulus package bill..that created such great, green FAILED companies like Solondra?? And funded community rabel rousers like ACORN..remember that corrupt outfit..
#4 Having Eric Holder as AG...who can forget that crazy idea of "Fast and Furious"...he was so corrupt
#5a Employed Vann Jones at one time..enough said..
#5b Also employing that one chick who REVERED Mau???
#6 $$ Tim Geithner and forcing the BANKS to take the $$ or their not leaving the room..remember that one...
#7 While on topic, the mayor of Chicago now, Rahm Emanuel...the shakedown king..hows that working out for you Chicago...any cova's brotha's headed to the southside anytime soon?? Never forget him arm twisting innocent DEM representatives that didn't want anything to do with ACA passage(whom were right)
#8 IRAQ fiasco..leaving no troops there??WTF...by lightyears, the most costly decision in terms of HUMAN LIFE any President has ever ever made..
#9 Beergate..BOH "the cops are stupid"
#10 Not even considering reaching across the aisle..passes ACA with not a single VOTE or AMENDMENT presented by GOP
#11 Creating CZARS...DT will eliminate those positions so fast it's not funny
#12 Installing HRC as Secretary of State with Clinton Crime Foundation open for business..
#13 Russian RESET button Besides BeeBee Netanahuye(?) there is no other WORLD leader happier to deal with another LEADER than Vladdy..
#14 Libya and entire Benghazi fiasco...So much lying it was UNREAL..HRC lying to Pat Smith's face...unbeeleevable..yeah, all because of a stupid video..and that put that dude in jail too "What difference does it make"
#15 HRC as SOS...blowing up the Middle east ..the "ARAB SPRING"...most unstable region on this earth HRC was by far, the worst SOS..and she won the popular vote...some sheep are so incredibly naïve and stupid it's absolutely unreal..
#16 BOH "apology tour"..how fricken embarrassing..kissing that one leaders feet, as s, or whatever or it was...
More coming..gotta post what I've done so far
#17 Trayvon Martin and Big Mike and the handling of those tragic deaths..can't forget the guy Freddie Gray in Baltimore and that angry female DA.."We'll get JUSTICE for Freddy" How did all that work out??
#18 What "Red LINE"
#19 The ENTIRE IRS targeting conservative groups exercising their rights to organize non profits (901c)..what's that chicks name..she was a real witch if I ever saw one. .pleaded the 5th
#20 That infamous trade of 5 yes, FIVE horrible terrorists for one lousy deserter...absolutely one of the WORST things BOH did..what's truly sad is the guys who LOST their lives out looking for that P.O.S.
#21 Nominating and successfully getting "APPOINTED" two of the most radical left wing jurors to the Supreme Court..Sotomayor(which is the better one I must admit) and Kagen...in any other presidency,,no way in the world would these ladies ever have been considered..
#22 Chief Justice Blowhard upholding Obamacare because it's a TAX...Well, CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS the people have spoken and that just very well might be the FIRST thing DT destroys I really feel when he voted that day ..that truly was the DARKEST day in the past 8 years...BTW, I still haven' ever signed up for the ACA
#23 BOH scolding the Chief Justices who attended that State of Union because of their vote over Citizens United..I can truly understand why very few, if any, would ever attend another BOH State of Union and they didn't..
#24 Back on topic to #10..All the LYING to the AMERICAN people of how your insurance premiums were going down $2500, you could keep your plan, and your Doctor..the biggest BS ever coming out of a POTUS mouth...EVER EVER!!
#25 Then that guy, the architect behind the ACA, getting caught on tape calling "The American People Stupid" well, how's that working out for you now?? you m-fer..
#26 House leader Pelosi "WE need to pass it before we know what's in it" what an absolute tool...plus remember her riding all those G-7's to and from California for her and her family at taxpayers expense..she abused it
#27 Numerous times BOH would go on trips with or without family members, sometimes using two planes, wasting AMERICANS $$$..unreal, abusive...I'm sure DT might just like to use his own plane sometimes..we will see..wouldn't be surprised if he wouldn't rather stay at the Presidential Suite in his own hotel down the block in D.C some nights..Can't blame him either.
#28 BOH playing 300+ rounds of golf..
#29 Trying to UNDERMINE BeeBee's reelection campaign in Israel.... Israel is our BEST ALLY in such an unstable area...WTF??
#30 The IRAN Nuclear deal..what another fricken joke?/
This deal probably the most dangerous action he took in office and I'm sure DT will be addressing it very very soon..
I'm tired and will add to my list tomorrow or next week Cova's brothers..Please feel free to add the MANY MORE REASONS why the DEMOCRAT party could be toast for a long time..
Imagine if DT does a very good job and gets this ship righted..the sky is the limit..Say he nominates solid conservative JUDGES who will uphold the words in the constitution..like Scalia said," it's not a living document" to be interpreted to todays moral decaying and changing culture..This is EXACTLY why this ELECTION WIN was so Important!!
The people spoke and DT has a mandate to follow. I really feel he is going to do what he says but...I seriously hope he takes in the advice of so many to not do the BAD IDEAS and THINGS like I listed above his predecessor before him was so guilty of...LEARN from ALL the grave MISTAKES BOH made. .he was a terrible president with horrible policies that did not represent the America we all grew up in.But, Still, like DT said today, "BOH is a very good guy" .I concur but a terrible leader. .Let's hope and pray that DT will learn quickly and do a a good job of "Making AWERICA GREAT AGAIN"
The DEMS only have themselves to blame for their future demise. .Nominating someone like that guy Ellison in MINN is exactly the kind of person who will continue to seal their fate...Just saying guys...
The Crusher
Btw..ACTIONS and decisions have consequences and that's why each one of us has to govern our actions accordingly.
#17 Trayvon Martin and Big Mike and the handling of those tragic deaths..can't forget the guy Freddie Gray in Baltimore and that angry female DA.."We'll get JUSTICE for Freddy" How did all that work out??
#18 What "Red LINE"
#19 The ENTIRE IRS targeting conservative groups exercising their rights to organize non profits (901c)..what's that chicks name..she was a real witch if I ever saw one. .pleaded the 5th
#20 That infamous trade of 5 yes, FIVE horrible terrorists for one lousy deserter...absolutely one of the WORST things BOH did..what's truly sad is the guys who LOST their lives out looking for that P.O.S.
#21 Nominating and successfully getting "APPOINTED" two of the most radical left wing jurors to the Supreme Court..Sotomayor(which is the better one I must admit) and Kagen...in any other presidency,,no way in the world would these ladies ever have been considered..
#22 Chief Justice Blowhard upholding Obamacare because it's a TAX...Well, CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS the people have spoken and that just very well might be the FIRST thing DT destroys I really feel when he voted that day ..that truly was the DARKEST day in the past 8 years...BTW, I still haven' ever signed up for the ACA
#23 BOH scolding the Chief Justices who attended that State of Union because of their vote over Citizens United..I can truly understand why very few, if any, would ever attend another BOH State of Union and they didn't..
#24 Back on topic to #10..All the LYING to the AMERICAN people of how your insurance premiums were going down $2500, you could keep your plan, and your Doctor..the biggest BS ever coming out of a POTUS mouth...EVER EVER!!
#25 Then that guy, the architect behind the ACA, getting caught on tape calling "The American People Stupid" well, how's that working out for you now?? you m-fer..
#26 House leader Pelosi "WE need to pass it before we know what's in it" what an absolute tool...plus remember her riding all those G-7's to and from California for her and her family at taxpayers expense..she abused it
#27 Numerous times BOH would go on trips with or without family members, sometimes using two planes, wasting AMERICANS $$$..unreal, abusive...I'm sure DT might just like to use his own plane sometimes..we will see..wouldn't be surprised if he wouldn't rather stay at the Presidential Suite in his own hotel down the block in D.C some nights..Can't blame him either.
#28 BOH playing 300+ rounds of golf..
#29 Trying to UNDERMINE BeeBee's reelection campaign in Israel.... Israel is our BEST ALLY in such an unstable area...WTF??
#30 The IRAN Nuclear deal..what another fricken joke?/
This deal probably the most dangerous action he took in office and I'm sure DT will be addressing it very very soon..
I'm tired and will add to my list tomorrow or next week Cova's brothers..Please feel free to add the MANY MORE REASONS why the DEMOCRAT party could be toast for a long time..
Imagine if DT does a very good job and gets this ship righted..the sky is the limit..Say he nominates solid conservative JUDGES who will uphold the words in the constitution..like Scalia said," it's not a living document" to be interpreted to todays moral decaying and changing culture..This is EXACTLY why this ELECTION WIN was so Important!!
The people spoke and DT has a mandate to follow. I really feel he is going to do what he says but...I seriously hope he takes in the advice of so many to not do the BAD IDEAS and THINGS like I listed above his predecessor before him was so guilty of...LEARN from ALL the grave MISTAKES BOH made. .he was a terrible president with horrible policies that did not represent the America we all grew up in.But, Still, like DT said today, "BOH is a very good guy" .I concur but a terrible leader. .Let's hope and pray that DT will learn quickly and do a a good job of "Making AWERICA GREAT AGAIN"
The DEMS only have themselves to blame for their future demise. .Nominating someone like that guy Ellison in MINN is exactly the kind of person who will continue to seal their fate...Just saying guys...
The Crusher
Btw..ACTIONS and decisions have consequences and that's why each one of us has to govern our actions accordingly.
Wall, I would really like to respond now but I gotta go..
Yes you are right about he must SMARTEN up REALLY fast in who he appoints to certain CRITICAL positions...he MUST SLOW down,,everything is a whirlwind right now..
I noticed that your state of ARIZONA was the only one that didn't pass the EVIL WEED.. 52% to 48% I'm glad the people of AZ and for you and your kids, weren't that stupid..that's a good move as I know from my experience in COLORADO.
These are very critical moments for DT...especially since he is so NEW to all of this..he can't TRUST anyone but his family right now..I'm sure he is realizing very quickly what his election has gotten him into..which I'm sure BOH let him know today
Wall, I would really like to respond now but I gotta go..
Yes you are right about he must SMARTEN up REALLY fast in who he appoints to certain CRITICAL positions...he MUST SLOW down,,everything is a whirlwind right now..
I noticed that your state of ARIZONA was the only one that didn't pass the EVIL WEED.. 52% to 48% I'm glad the people of AZ and for you and your kids, weren't that stupid..that's a good move as I know from my experience in COLORADO.
These are very critical moments for DT...especially since he is so NEW to all of this..he can't TRUST anyone but his family right now..I'm sure he is realizing very quickly what his election has gotten him into..which I'm sure BOH let him know today
The United States government – U.S. taxpayers – have $770 million to spend on mosque renovation but the United States Marine Corps has about two-thirds of their fighter jets grounded because the Marine Corps doesn’t have money for parts.
The program that funds rebuilding mosques funnels money through the U.S. State Department’s USAID program. You’ve probably never heard about it because if flies under the radar. After all, it’s only $1 billion. It’s $1 billion in play money for Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry to practice their “Smart Diplomacy.”
Why in the world would we spend nearly $1 billion to renovate mosques in the Middle East? First of all, there’s Barack Obama’s number one mission which is lifting up Islam in any way he possibly can. Obama and Hillary’s “Smart Diplomacy” have made a complete mess of the Middle East. Nobody but the Russians seem to care and Vladimir Putin is busily putting a big Russian footprint in the Middle East because of the complete stupidity of the Obama/Clinton foreign policy.
Then there’s the fact that Obama’s White House staff is loaded with pro-Islamic Muslims. When Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State her number one advisor, Huma Abedin, is tied directly to the Muslim Brotherhood through her family. In addition to Huma, Obama has gone out of his way to point Muslim radicals to positions on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, and the Department of Homeland Security.
Let’s not forget that Obama has banned the use of the word terrorism from any and all government discussions or documents. He even went so far, when a radical Muslim Army chaplain – who was well known for his radical beliefs – murdered 24 people at Fort Hood while screaming “Allahu Akbar,” to call the slaughter “workplace violence.”
The political generals in the Army refused to fight that designation and the soldiers who were murdered were refused purple hearts, and their families were refused combat death benefits even though the attack was clearly a terrorist action in Islam’s war against the United States.
And when did Obama do this, The day after TRUMP got elected!!!
so don't let Obama fool you
The United States government – U.S. taxpayers – have $770 million to spend on mosque renovation but the United States Marine Corps has about two-thirds of their fighter jets grounded because the Marine Corps doesn’t have money for parts.
The program that funds rebuilding mosques funnels money through the U.S. State Department’s USAID program. You’ve probably never heard about it because if flies under the radar. After all, it’s only $1 billion. It’s $1 billion in play money for Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry to practice their “Smart Diplomacy.”
Why in the world would we spend nearly $1 billion to renovate mosques in the Middle East? First of all, there’s Barack Obama’s number one mission which is lifting up Islam in any way he possibly can. Obama and Hillary’s “Smart Diplomacy” have made a complete mess of the Middle East. Nobody but the Russians seem to care and Vladimir Putin is busily putting a big Russian footprint in the Middle East because of the complete stupidity of the Obama/Clinton foreign policy.
Then there’s the fact that Obama’s White House staff is loaded with pro-Islamic Muslims. When Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State her number one advisor, Huma Abedin, is tied directly to the Muslim Brotherhood through her family. In addition to Huma, Obama has gone out of his way to point Muslim radicals to positions on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, and the Department of Homeland Security.
Let’s not forget that Obama has banned the use of the word terrorism from any and all government discussions or documents. He even went so far, when a radical Muslim Army chaplain – who was well known for his radical beliefs – murdered 24 people at Fort Hood while screaming “Allahu Akbar,” to call the slaughter “workplace violence.”
The political generals in the Army refused to fight that designation and the soldiers who were murdered were refused purple hearts, and their families were refused combat death benefits even though the attack was clearly a terrorist action in Islam’s war against the United States.
And when did Obama do this, The day after TRUMP got elected!!!
so don't let Obama fool you
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