Welcome to another exciting year of gaming. First I'd like to welcome our two new cappers, Derek_4 aka Derek Heminger my brother in law and vukmoney aka Nick Vukovich a new teacher and coach at the dale from the Pirate Cove of Cardington. Good luck gentlemen and Vuk with a name like money you better pick up the pace!
Now on the abuse charges..... So I go to my dad's house for an enjoyable afternoon to watch the bucks and what do I get? People on my ass for not betting $500 everytime! @#%^&&%%## u guys! This comes also from my buddies. Kiss my !#$TL^&L&! I'm also looking at the leaderboard and see guys at the top that are 8-3, 6-1 (yea you Rosnick and Price) so while your worried about my 2 and 3 hundred grow your own sack and bet all 10 you weak bitches! I mean myself and Vukmoney the only two with 20 bets in 2 weeks. Hypocrits. If you notice me 10-10 and vuk 10-10. Me plus 900 and Vuk minus 900 guess if you play 5's on your best you can win. Therefore lay off my strategy. And one final thought Zac is gonna hit someone hard this Friday against Miami Trace you know why.........cause two years ago's winner with his great strategy to copy someone's final picks (grossman) ain't hit a damn thing this year so far! HAHAHA! Good luck and here's thinkin of you UNK! You'd be proud.