Alright everyone...first off, we did have one player qualify for the freeplay incentive (B-More). Therefore, the total prize pool stands at $5700.00. My initial posting regarding the payout schedule is the correct one (posted 9/10/12 at 7:29 pm).
Uncashed entry checks will be deducted from any winnings. Any PayPal entry winners will of course receive the full prize amount without entry deduction.
Here's who won what:
Skonie - $2100 first place winner
Picnic4me - $1100 second place and week 10 winner
DirtyDawg - $600 third place and week 17 winner
Synch - $100 fourth place winner
Rayenschool - $200 playoffs winner
Gator98 - $100 last place winner
KFoster1188 - $200 weeks 1 and 5 winner
TouchofGrey - $100 week 2 winner
Hawkeye79 - $100 week 3 winner
GBell1112 - $100 week 4 winner
Pecos99 - $100 week 6 winner
Heels31 - $100 week 7 winner
Rem082583 - $200 weeks 8 and 15 winner
JohnnyUtah13 - $100 week 9 winner
Gar1424 - $100 week 11 winner
JBSTEED13 - $100 week 12 winner
Dawgphucker - $100 week 13 winner
Tweetygirl - $100 week 14 winner
Gsonkoy24 - $100 week 16 winner
Again - congratulations to all on one of the best collective showings ever...half the players in the pool finished in positive units and a third of the pool went over four figures.
I'll be cashing and mailing checks over the next several days. If you have any questions or feel there are any mistakes in the above accounting please email me at
Spread the word for next season! The more players we have the more I can spread the money around...and don't forget about the five new players freeplay incentive! I will be sending out updates for next year starting in late July if not sooner...
Commish out