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Wow Troy you really went in this time bro. I always had suspected he was full of garbage as I hadn't ever heard him say anything that seemed to indicate he was the master he claimed to be and he always said such stupid things that made me think he was either a bookie shill or a noob. After three months losing overall in my opinion proves he isn't what he claims. Case closed. |
itsonnow1 | 856 |
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reverse on OKC makes me wary.
freshmen | 13 |
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100% |
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I would have to agree that 7 days in which you only bet on 3 of those days is a 3 day not a 7 day win streak and I for one GREATLY appreciate you taking the time to create a record for this thread TROY it helps anyone who wants to know if itsonnow1 can actually cap or not and saves them time counting through the posts to find out the record for themselves. Nice work. |
itsonnow1 | 856 |
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If I did I would hedge. So no.
Hodor | 4 |
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That profile pic reminds me of someone... |
Niceman23 | 23 |
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"Thanks for the help guys Sorry I'm on my period and im emotional lol "
She actually posted this lol I was aware chances of her being real were low but that sex hair made me want to believe in that 0.001% lol still didn't fall as far as some guys for this one though just a single public reply that's it, shame on you Daniel Ortiz!
DaniellaOrtiz | 46 |
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You should tail the best cappers on here or follow a system that was created by pro data analysts if you change your mind on quitting. Don't play your own choices until you've studied and have a method or system behind your picks. BOL in your future endeavours outside of gambling if not! |
DaniellaOrtiz | 46 |
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DET looks like it may still hit...
PoeticJustice | 9 |
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Yeah the line should have had Bulls as bigger favourites. |
PoeticJustice | 9 |
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What reverse trap?
PoeticJustice | 9 |
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What reverse trap?
PoeticJustice | 9 |
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Quote Originally Posted by nflcapperletsgo:
I agree I lose many days. Even the best cappers lose 46% of the time. Also I win many days. But trolls only focus on the losses. The best bettors win more than 54%. That is just scraping the realm of being a winning bettor when you factor in the juice, barely. The BEST bettors often hit 60% and are in the 58 to 64% range from what I've read and heard. |
nflcapperletsgo | 29 |
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On the Alabama game this strategy paid off it was a loss for you but not if you waited for even just an extra 3 points on the spread. Obviously 1 game doesn't say much though and when comparing it to the amount of games you would miss due to your team winning from the jump it could still work out badly long term and obviously timing is crucial and this will most likely only work if you choose your parameters pre game and stick to them, making decisions on the fly mid game likely will encourage bad choices. |
itsonnow1 | 856 |
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Tailing these two, managed to snag Alabama at 13.5 live bet. It does encourage and provoke chasing and bad habits but I think live betting can work for you if you take your predictions, as an example the ones in this thread and wait for them to be down mid game to get an increased spread (the opposite of chasing) and trust your initial judgement for the comeback to happen. If your team gets an early lead then obviously you missed an opportunity for a win but I think more often than not there will be at least a single point in the game where you can get a slightly better line than you would have pre game due to your choice of team being down a few points. I haven't back tested this idea but I think it's not often that a team controls the game from the jump and obviously you wouldn't chase those games where they do instead you just accept those games as gone and only bet when you can get an increased point spread due to a opposing lead in points. Your theory about Vegas only allowing it because it encourages losing and chasing for MOST bettors could also be said about all forms of sports gambling they take bets on including pre game because of course they allow those too. Anyhow BOL everyone! |
itsonnow1 | 856 |
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Quote Originally Posted by itsonnow1:
You're not on my ignore list, so I'll respond to you.
I totally do understand what you're saying. Those posts I sent you? Were just flash analysis I made....the real "pick" came from my system. Which was the direct cause of people on covers having made money. I have personally helped more than one person manage their accounts, and those "analysis" were direct causes for them to make wagers.
Anyone who's followed me from start to finish since posting in this thread, is ahead.
I don't care what happens on any one play. When I say I make an annual salary in a week? Is not me saying "I win 80% of the time while everyone else is winning 55% of the time". Anyone who follows my thread can figure that out for themselves. I bet based on units. And I've come to the point, from my years of playing, to be able to make large wagers on those units.
I only come off as arrogant and egotistical to the sensitive, insecure people. Most definitely those who are in some ways trying to compete with me. Notice, one poster in my thread (who I can clearly see all his posts, but will not respond to), constantly tries to compare his bet selection and win rate with me.
LOL I don't compare myself with anyone. I do talk about how much I win....however, I don't say anything but the obvious. The MAJORITY of sports bettors lose long term. There's nothing arrogant or egotistical about that. I win more money in a week, than some people do in a year If I'm betting $5k a unit and have a 10 unit week.....some people don't make that in a year. There's nothing arrogant or egotistical about's a fact of my experience. Yet, to the insecure or sensitive, it can easily be perceived as arrogant. It is merely a bridge to express a point...which is? I have years and years of experience, betting small and large. Winning and losing....and if I say something about long term or short term? Chances are? I am right. If I give an analysis about a team or a situation or condition? Chances are, I am right.
Can I be wrong? Most definitely! Stick around long enough? I will be right way more than I'm wrong.
My success on the forum is why I have gotten so many requests to be in my email list. If you add up all the times I posted plays (not only in this thread) and how many times I said something about one thing, or condition...I am WINNING. I am AHEAD. My advice is SOUND. Regardless of how you may feel about me personally? What I am doing is effective. Period.
You don't like my personality? ......this is about winning in sports betting....not making friends. You don't have to be my friend to appreciate the work I do.
Anyone who converses with me on a personal level (via pm) knows, I can also be a very encouraging, positive friend, as well as someone you can learn from. I am aggressive when it comes to speaking against nonsense like fixes, trap lines, long wasteful analysis and write ups, etc. Nonsense that has no real effect on the LONG TERM.
I appreciate your humble reply it makes a nice change. Hopefully we all get to see more of this side of you in future! Honestly? I'm not one to talk I don't even post my plays here, reason being I consider myself a beginner in this game and don't have enough faith in my ability yet to encourage people to follow me. I appreciate everyone's input that comes from a genuine place on covers (some are bookies and shills from what I've heard?) but it just seems like you think you are God's gift to gambling sometimes and you should try to behave a little more like you also have something to learn while you're here because all of us do and none of us are perfect. FTR though I salute your decision to continue posting plays and apologize for the nuthouse comment as that was a little below the belt. |
itsonnow1 | 856 |
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Quote Originally Posted by itsonnow1:
So, this is a consensus. more than 65% of the people that responded to me via pm, really have a thing for proving and disproving ignorance. I'm really against I prefer peace, but....Fine!! I've got plenty of time. ;)
So I did them a favor and am going to continue to do them a favor. If I'm not here to post, I'm not here to post, but, as long as I am I will try to post my plays early. Going to continue to ignore certain posters of course (and yes, my ignore list has definitely grown), but I will continue to post here and let those that really want to win, win.
First things's just two small examples where my exquisite analysis has helped someone win and has turned out exactly as said (not inflated ego, lol) these are just THREE examples where I "shot off at at the mouth" in this forum (as someone has said)....using my "wannabe analysis" LOL....I've done it way more than three times on this forum...but this is just three...
(comments I make about the raptors. Only one person agrees. Others take pacers. Raptors go on to win out right)
(comments I makee about the knicks. No one agrees. People back lakers. Knicks win out right)
(comments I made about the lakers vs detroit. Lakers win outright)
Not that those are any definite proof of my analysis working LONG term...however, someone stated I've never done what I just proved I've done above. LOL
I'm not going to resort to bashing anyone in return....however, anyone can make their own conclusions as to why someone would go through lengths and bounds to bash someone, that you really can't bash. By making long, lengthy posts, that achieve nothing really.
I have gotten non stop requests via pm to be added to my email list. Yet in this thread, after I leave, is non stop attempts to bash me.
I don't have to do this, anyone who takes the time out themselves can do this...but I did just for kicks....
Total units won since starting this thread is +10.5 units. Not a lot if you're a small bettor...huge if you're a big bettor. But the idea is to win long term.
Longest win streak? 7 days. Longest losing streak? 3 days. Oh...and that longest win streak? Was during the beginning of this month. LOL.
It's funny, absolutely particularly funny, that the ONLY time you get lengthy lengthy retorts from others is on a SINGLE loss. Or a SINGLE losing day. Oh man.....It's like they are waiting on the edge of their seats "PLEASE make this guy lose today so I can go in his thread and bash him...PLEASE...I can't stand that he's winning and so arrogant about it!" LMAO!!!
Anyway, I'm going to continue to give my advice here, continue to give my picks here. Doesn't make sense for me to stop, after talking it over with a few of the people who responded to me via pm.
Now for the people who have nothing better to do but bash because that's what they're best at? I'm only going to ignore you, and let the winning picks themselves answer your madness and make you look truly ridiculous. :)
I'm not surprised by people wanting to be on your email list. Anyone with an ego as big as yours and a condescending nature as severe MUST be able to do what he claims to some degree or you wouldn't be on here you would be locked up in a nuthouse somewhere. BTW you completely missed the point of my question. I didn't ask for proof of if you had ever given a correct analysis on a play on covers, obviously you have. I asked for proof that your advice has been THE SOLE REASON SOMEBODY WON MONEY ON HERE which was your initial claim was it not? You don't even see it do you? You're so blinded by your ego you don't even understand the concept that those posts you sourced did not show that anybody won a play DIRECTLY because of YOU as you claimed. You may have been a small factor in somebody playing raptors BUT IF THEY WERE NOT ALREADY LEANING THAT WAY then they wouldn't have made the play just because you said so and even if some idiot did THERE WAS NO PROOF of that on any of the threads you posted not from even ONE poster. You should not assume your advice has DIRECTLY resulted in anyone making any money because even if your advice is well received and it HELPED whoever made the play still had the final decision on whether to make the play or not and so the credit should go "directly" to them with you getting a little side dish of that credit. You see my issue was with your use of the words "directly due to your advice" if you had said partly due then I wouldn't have found it so stupid. Also I would liken the "advice" you gave in all 3 posts you linked more to giving a fish (a single play) rather than any substantial advice that could make any covers member money directly because of your advice as you claimed and if we go by this logic then you have also DIRECTLY lost people a lot of money on here by giving incorrect advice (more like a play with a small write up judging from your examples) too but this is a side issue, your direct claiming of the credit for the plays of anyone that reads any thread in which you post an opinion is what really got me. Get me? |
itsonnow1 | 856 |
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So many people confirmed out for the wolves. Still they are facing the knicks I guess..
EazyFBaby | 7 |
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Quote Originally Posted by itsonnow1:
Alright guys...threw in two more points... I can't force anyone to do anything....but the underlying truths are this. I win. My advice has proven in many many different various thread to hold up in many different wins. Whether you truly believe that I win as much as I say I irrelevant. It would only be relevant if I was trying to sell my system or sell my picks...which I have absolutely no interest in doing. What is relevant? Is that I DO win.
Can you give me one example in which your advice in a thread has directly produced a win for somebody else on covers or is this your inflated ego deluding you from reality again? |
itsonnow1 | 856 |
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Quote Originally Posted by itsonnow1:
Have you added up how many units I've made in this thread in total?
Or did you browse and skim through some of the posts that another poster made? -_-
You're right order to truly know if a person is a long term winner is the long term...most definitely not the short term. That's for sure. :)
As I understood you said in an earlier post that no matter how few selections you give us that MATHEMATICALLY the ratio of wins to losses will be the same. Your exact quote from post 120 in this thread was - "My win rate is good. And it has been for a very long time. Whether I post 20% or 100% of my picks, if my win rate is truly positive, the record of most or some of my picks, will be the same."
Are you not contradicting yourself now saying that we cannot judge you from the small sample size you have given us?
It wouldn't be the first time you've contradicting yourself either but I'll give you some credit in that you are claiming to be good at gambling not communicating.
Which is it though? I'm guessing what you said in post 120 was a mistake and you now believe this to be correct instead but who's to say next week you won't contradict this with another post and this will also become a mistake. That's the way it seems to go with your posts more often than not so you should kindly stop speaking with so much authority when you're only going to contradict yourself the next day, it doesn't look good.
BOL in your new covert operation anyhow.
itsonnow1 | 856 |
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