Ok, I see a lot of people still talking about this guy in some threads so I just wanted to clear the air for anyone who doesn't know that these two(possibly others) are the same person/tout. Methodologist and Toscanadream can both be found on twitter under the same name. Toscana made one first and after losing a pick or two started complaining about the amount of trash talking he's getting on here which, you guessed it, lead to him trying to sell picks. He is selling a NBA season package for $200 (LOL). I reached out to him from my account under which I investigate stuff and found this out. I HIGHLY doubt anyone paid for this nonsense, it is possible he sold one or two of these max however.
So, onto the next one, Methodologist. He is currents standing at 45-20 on this account I believe for the season on posted picks here and on twitter. Last night he won his Texas tech bet at -5, and Toscana was on so quick to retweet it and congratulate himself hahaha. Mind you, this was around 1 AM eastern time this morning. I had to join in and comment something like "we get it man you're the same person, just don't try to start selling picks on this account too because no one will buy that crap", mainly because people like this piss me off as I'm sure they do to most of us. Ok so a few minutes pass and I scroll down and watch trump saying government workers will "receive their back pay" very quickly, and I shortly go back to Methodologist's page to see whether my comment earned a response, only to find out I was blocked. I then go type in Toscanadream's name in my search only to find out he blocked me from that account as well!
Now, this being the same person is beyond obvious at this point. I mean the covers guys here probably tracked their ip or what not and figured they're the same person trying to tout, the reason that they cantbefound on Covers anymore. There is another account or two that I'm not entirely sure belonged to this one prick, including the VIKA77 or something one and another which I cannot remember the name. I'm assuming this was him as well due to their similar style and lack of explanation when posting picks.
So, for anyone wondering why I took 10 minutes out of my lunch break to day to talk on this nonsense, it is for a simple reason. Us here at covers, we're a nice community (I've been here's for about 2 years just reading and joined a couple months back), and we all try to put our two cents in to beat the book, so when people come in here and try to take out money by selling their picks and not give them out for free since we're all really working towards the same thing, of corse it bothers me. Now this guy did gain about 400 followers on twitter last time I checked, and most of those followers come from us here on covers. I wasn't able to speak out on twitter and not let people fall for this trap because obviously Imm blocked, but I can do it here.
Obviously this guy isn't stupid, and he seems to be a great capper, cheers to him for that, but don't come over here trying to take our money since you're so good, right? Why not just go and beat the crap out of your bookie with all the winners you're giving.
I do not see anything wrong with me posting this on here and if you do, please do let me know. All I am trying to do is make sure that anyone who reads this and keeps up with this guy on twitter doesn't fall for the trap and actually buys his picks. If he wants to sell picks let him go elsewhere and build his foundation, don't start it here on Covers which he pretty much did. there are plenty of other great cappers which we can find for free on here, this guy is full of crap with his 2-4 accounts made so far.