But it was just this kid was starting to fucking tank and thats when everyone starts to offer advice. On top of offering advice, you have people who just want to flame another poster who is losing, so things can get out of hand quick.
I saw you posting these diatribes, at times, to this kid and while it wasnt bad information at all, I looked at it as the ole FU to nropp. Most posters deserve that, but this kid spends so much time it seems, that I would put him above most posters. So to see you tell this kid everything he has been doing wrong, I thought it was silly. He had to know what he was doing wrong, its just as gamblers people put their egos first, so he isnt going to change his ways.
But, I like your posts and I enjoy the dry humor you can provide. As I said, I may have been wrong. I forget how the leeches and sheep come out to blindly defend someone who 'won in the past.' I also wasnt around from the beginning and didnt see him not really taking you seriously. Just as he offers advice and opinions, he should be welcoming of them to his thread.
Good luck moving forward.

BU - Man, I have never seen the WS Trophy in person, color me jealous. Enjoy if you go buddy.
It was never about a FU to someone - I'm not that kind of person, far from it. But if it were me, I'd like criticism if something isn't working, or I'm struggling in a certain facet of gambling. I took heat last year too from GameHunter leeches because I asked how many more times he could play the Pirates and Nationals before he got tired of losing money. I don't see the issue of pointing out particulars.
I value and respect nropp's info because I know fuck all about college hoops for instance, but you can find 100 people who know basketball inside and out but couldn't win a dollar in a year because they have poor money management, and that's where I thought he was severely lacking. Because in my eyes, being 20 games over 500 or so and down 15 units or however many it was, is a clear indicator that something isn't right in the ability to designate units.
If stalking is pointing out flaws and trying to discuss wagering and such, then I suppose I'm a stalker.